What does it mean you need something? Does it mean it is required for you to accomplish your goals? Does it mean it’s presence has a positive impact on your well-being, your happiness? Does it mean it’s absence has a negative impact on your well-being, your happiness? I suppose if this was the …
Tag: Freedom
Shameless vs Shame-free
SHAME is what protects you from CHANGING Ideally from changing for the worse But what is “worse” in the first place? Thus practically — shame often protects you from changing PERIOD. There are many LAYERS to SHAME, which can be shockingly independent There are things you’re ashamed of publicly but comfortable with otherwise And …
You’re Not Ready for FREEDOM
FREEDOM is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT — you should get a REGULAR, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIST LIFE What do I mean by such life? -Getting a job -Not rocking the boat -Not trying too hard to “find yourself” -Respecting your community, your family, your legacy, your culture -Being grateful and contributing -Being hard-working, diligent, useful and helpful …
When “Too Good” Is Too Much
You can only comprehend so much elevation If it’s too good — it’s too alien And it’s too threatening There are some good reasons why “too good” should be viewed with scepticism: -What if it’s too good to be true? -What if you are being duped? -What if there’s a good reason why this …
Freedom From Information; Minimalism
consider what it would be like to NOT have to BE INFORMED at all, how much more pure and blissful all would be you’d trade a little excitation and fleeting engagement and sense of control — for stillness of existence Information is obviously entropic It’s a weight which must be metabolised, It’s hard to …
Realness is truth is elevating Untruth, unreal — is how you get stuck The map you use matches the reality — or not You can get away with imprecise map up to a certain point. You will get somewhere. But eventually you get stuck Your map is a lie — therefore it doesn’t take …
Live Two or Three Lives
You live one life and then you die. That’s what makes it so valuable. You go on vacations for a week and then you return to your old boring reality. Monday you are on vacations and next Monday you are back at work. Your vacations are even more boring than your work. But it’s …
About Travelling
The value of travelling is not travelling. The value of travelling is THE NEW. The value of THE NEW is that the new is the promise of growth, evolution. You can’t have growth without changing, without developing into something different, something new indeed. On a deeper level — the value of the NEW is …
Ego is Stagnation
The moment you view yourself as more than no one is the moment you hindered your growth. Growing is trying and failing, Learning is not knowing, We think we understand this but we don’t. We “humble up” if necessary — until it becomes too threatening to humble up, Too threatening to our self-image. …
Asceticism Doesn’t Get To The Cause
There’s the problem of DESIRE — which is a problem of a false god, of delusion There’s the problem of OVERINDULGENCE — which is a problem of being distracted, ineffective — and all that in vain — as the pleasure is empty. By CEASING DESIRE-pursuits and PLEASURE-PURSUITS and becoming an ASCETIC — you do …