Achievements are distractions One should just take what he wants Achievement is prison Achievement is the slavemaster Need takes away freedom Need to achieve makes you a slave One should just take what he wants Anything more is grandiose delusion Anything less is resignation, defeat One must be really simple to …
Tag: Freedom
Burdened with Infinite Freedom
it’s not that one is more in position to “do everything” and other can only do nothing we all can only do something more something less something doesn’t matter the point is that we claim the full extent of the little freeedom which is granted to you and that my friend is everything …
Beyond Entitlement
We collectively have an idea of What-One-Deserves, formed a posteriori. It’s an *OBSERVATION* It is thus not supposed to have predictive power. EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU DESERVE, OR DON’T DESERVE, IS A LIE. Do you deserve the sun? Do you deserve a lambo? Do you deserve a horse? Do you deserve to …
The Grand Theory of Opportunity, Momentum and Freedom
You are here. You are influenced. You get conditioned. You can only be influenced to the extent to which you are empty. (You can only be sensitive to the extent to which you are empty.) When you have became conditioned – you cease being pliable. When you’re full (of knowledge, beliefs, conclusions, thoughts), …
“Giving Up On Dreams” Is An Oxymoron
“Giving up on dreams” is an oxymoron. It makes no sense. If you love doing something — why would you give it up? Your life would have to force you to give it up, yes? How does life force you to NOT do something? If you must support yourself, then do. It doesn’t …
The Way Out Of Chaos Is NOT Through Order
What does your life comprises of? Things, yes? No not really. Just our “concept” of life. “The narrative”. But for must of us, the experience is hardly ever separated from the narrative. And from the self, in the centre of it all… What does your life comprises of? Where do the things come …
Anything Is Possible — And It Has Nothing To Do With Your “Dreams”
YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS POSSIBLE. Not a clue. Wishful thinking or sceptical – you have no idea. You sceptics are not really sceptical. You should be sceptical about what you deem impossible. You should be more open to the UNBELIEVABLE POSSIBILITIES. We all underestimate what is possible. Dreaming, fantasising, wishful-thinking, …
No One Really Has It Better
No one really has it better. Not much better anyway. Hardly better at all. One is a millionaire and other is a bum. One is a success and other is a failure. One is right and other is wrong. One is loved and other is hated. We are used to thinking in dualities …
You Must Disagree… Even When You’re Wrong
You must disagree. You have to. There is no other choice. Life is short and you don’t know what to do. You can now trust others and hope they are right. You have no reason to believe anyone is right. You have every reason to believe everyone is wrong. You see all this misery, …
Ambition To Not Be
There’s ambition to be You want to be something you want to do something you want to get something There’s ambition, which is you harbouring an idea that there are means of extending yourself, means of completing yourself, means of increasing your value – in this perpetual state of dissatisfaction, incompleteness and insecurity Perhaps …