Lifestyle Spirituality

The Gift of Suffering The Gift of Gratitude

Gift of suffering is gift of gratitude Gift of good fortune is poisoned   NOT ALWAYS, I don’t want no martyrs. Martyrdom and pessimism are self-fulfilling prophecies Kill yourself like a martyr and tell me what good it brought, if you can   But yes You become virtually DISABLED from gratitude, appreciation — when you: …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Modes of Having

PAINFUL NOT-HAVING < HAVING = NOT NEEDING (not not-having, not needing) < NOT NEEDING and NOT HAVING and LOVING < NOT NEEDING and HAVING and LOVING   PAINFUL NOT-HAVING When you NEED something and don’t have it — it is painful. If you truly need it — then it’s literally painful. It makes your life …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Gratitude and Inspiration

You want to be grateful, AND inspired. You don’t want to be dissatisfied, and ambitious.   Dissatisfied means not satisfied. There’s something to be satisfied in life about — but you are not. The gift of life alone is something to be happy for — but you are not.   Ambitious means NEEDING. It’s a …

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Lifestyle Spirituality


I like to think what would I do if i had REAL problems, Not my stupid problems, but REAL problems: -If I went blind -It I had an accident -If my mind went dull -If a war broke out -If everyone I cared for died -If electricity was gone -If I was in pain every …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Gratitude and Broccoli

you are grateful when you’re eating steamed cauliflower with butter, and soft-boiled eggs, broccoli, you know, fresh bread, you name it, what you like   the point is that gratitude is simple and means no more no less but being GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE and it’s a natural state   it’s a natural state it’s …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Gratitude Is Consciousness, Part 2

(Apparently I wrote exactly the same text, only different: Gratitude is consciousness (I repeat myself) Hopefully I don’t always repeat nonsense )   Gratitude is consciousness When you’re conscious — you’re grateful   You’re ungrateful when you’re unconscious You’re unconscious because you don’t want to be conscious You’re unconscious because you’re busying yourself with everything …

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