Below’s a janky and inconclusive rant trying to answer if reality is happy or unhappy. No answers, only questions: happiness / suffering and reality are independent or are they? what I’m saying is, existential truth is part of THE truth, the truth about reality, but in the same time existential truth is vastly …
Tag: Happiness
Allow Love
Is there something, anything, that you LOVE unconditionally? Consider Perhaps you ALWAYS LOVE to play the piano Perhaps you LOVE EVERY cat you ever see Perhaps you ALWAYS LOVE pizza Perhaps you ALWAYS LOVE going for a walk Of course that thing itself is a condition If you always love to play the …
Individual is born fundamentally self-interested and rational Self-interest means interest means motivation. Motivation to benefit oneself. OPPORTUNITY is intrinsic to reality. If there is an idea, a desire, a WILL — then there exists an opportunity to realise that idea, from the essentially infinite realm of possible possibilities and unknown unknowns The above is …
I Love Feeling Unwell
I love feeling unwell When you feel well — everything is well That’s why I recommend feeling well first — before making things well But when everything is well — you are deprived of a crucial information You are deprived of a crucial stressor You are deprived of a crucial challenge I …
The Gift of Suffering The Gift of Gratitude
Gift of suffering is gift of gratitude Gift of good fortune is poisoned NOT ALWAYS, I don’t want no martyrs. Martyrdom and pessimism are self-fulfilling prophecies Kill yourself like a martyr and tell me what good it brought, if you can But yes You become virtually DISABLED from gratitude, appreciation — when you: …
Entertainment is Boring
Entertainment is so fucking boring Fun is so boring Pleasure is boring too Work is not boring Fulfilment is not boring (Real) Challenge is not boring Love is not boring, power is not boring, strength is not boring It even sounds right, what I just wrote, all “philosophy” aside Who would put “fun” …
To Change Is The Only Thing Left
“The only thing that is constant is change” I often wonder about the hope for the hopeless Most of us have something to hope for But there are those man who don’t even have hope There’s nothing they hope for They are unhappy either way To those that have any hope — one …
Look Back And Change For The Worse?
if you were to look back at your life, and think of an improvement would you choose to be more lazy more stupid, more mediocre ? obviously not would you choose to have less? to have things in lower quality? to have things inferior? ? obviously not now, would you choose to be …
Progression From Fun Uselessness to Fun Usefulness
It’s not what you do — it’s your attitude which matters Whatever it is that you’re doing — it ultimately becomes a projection in your psyche When you feel great — everything feels better When you feel terrible — nothing feels good at all Therefore it’s your inner state, and your attitude — is what …
You don’t do art to be creative You don’t dance to have fun You don’t joke to laugh You don’t seek thrills to get excited You don’t indulge to experience pleasure You don’t do things to be happy You don’t seek love You are creative therefore do things creatively (including art) You have fun …