
Dislike is Hate is Destructive

Dislike is hate (and hostility is violence)   There’s no such thing as ”positive dislike” Dislike is always negative is destructive Criticism is negative is destructive   Constructive is love Constructive is creation of more of that which you love, more of that which is love-ly   Creation of love-ly things is not an act …

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Find Your Coffee (Wellness Is Underrated)

Wellness is underrated   A common person does no wellness but slowly rots. A common “ambitious” person does wellness but in an arbitrary and unnatural way   Yeah one lifts, maybe improves diet, one sleeps better, or perhaps one walks more, or maybe he meditates, or does yoga, or drinks a fucking kombucha Some are …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Love Your Life and Revile Your Plans

The contrived notion is that you should hustle so hard that you hate your life, then critically look in the mirror and still not be satisfied “no pain no gain” , “tough love”, etc But that your wonderful future, and your wonderful purpose, and your wonderful drive make it all sweet! That you feel SO …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Life as a Candy Shop

Imagine you went to a candy shop. You only had 10 $, and there were 1000 different candies, each for a 1$, and each and every single one of them delicious,   Now imagine you went to a candy shop, You only had 10$, but there were only 5 different candies,   Now imagine you …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Modes of Having

PAINFUL NOT-HAVING < HAVING = NOT NEEDING (not not-having, not needing) < NOT NEEDING and NOT HAVING and LOVING < NOT NEEDING and HAVING and LOVING   PAINFUL NOT-HAVING When you NEED something and don’t have it — it is painful. If you truly need it — then it’s literally painful. It makes your life …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

It Really Is ONLY What You DO

It’s really what you do, not what you have, not what you are…   You have infinitely many possibilities. INFINITELY MANY The problem is not with not having options, not having possibilities, not having opportunities, not having this, not having that… The problem is with WILLING The problem is with CHOOSING The problem is with …

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Pleasure as Distraction, Pleasure as a Side-effect

Happiness is the default state of LIVING. Or it was the default state when you were born. But this and that happened — you recorded it in memory — and ever since it obscured this pristine, innate happiness.   Pleasure is a side effect of LIVING. Living is doing things and moving — and pleasure …

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Philosophy Spirituality

“Positive Vs Negative” Is 99% A Lie

There’s what you think is good, positive, and what you think is bad, negative. Likewise there’s what makes you feel good, feel positive, and what makes you feel bad, feel negative. There’s a high degree of overlap between the two: because your thoughts condition your emotions, and your emotions condition your thoughts. E.g. think of …

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