you are grateful when you’re eating steamed cauliflower with butter, and soft-boiled eggs, broccoli, you know, fresh bread, you name it, what you like the point is that gratitude is simple and means no more no less but being GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE and it’s a natural state it’s a natural state it’s …
Tag: Happiness
You Are Only What You Did TODAY
The more we understand the more nuance we unravel. When we don’t understand then we tend to think very black-and-white, either-or; It’s understandable, since the first nuance we pick is INDIVIDUATION: how something is distinguished from other things. This creates the fundamental dichotomy between the THING discussed and everything else (that this thing is …
The Art Of Life-living Is Beyond Proofs
The art of life-living is beyond proofs I can’t prove to you that how I’m living is right You can’t get a proof from me that how I’m living is right The art of life-living is beyond proofs But you struggle and I struggle And you want to learn from me and I want …
Your Negativity Is The World’s Negativity
Your negativity is the world’s negativity. World’s negativity is your negativity. There is no separation – only negativity. Please, see it, when you are met with the negativity of others, or when you yourself are experiencing problems. See that your problem is the world’s problem… see that there is the entirety of humanity encountering …
Existential Distraction
politics ideologies global changes (macro) social challenges success stories predictions fucking weather celebrities anything that ever existed on social media news all of that is an existential distraction none of it matters at all none of it matters at all none of it matters next to the REAL problems the problems of existence …
Positive Thinking Works VIA NEGATIVA
“Positive thinking” works because it precludes negative thinking Can you prove that POSITIVE THINKING works? I can prove via negativa I can’t prove “positive results” invariably resulting from “positive thinking” But I can prove that “negative results” follow “negative thinking” Therefore mere cessation of negative thinking is positive — as it shelters you from …
When You’re Fully Present…
When you’re fully present — every day feels like forever Forever it means it is long and rich and deep …and not short and fleeting and insubstantial It is rich because you are attentive It is rich because it is imbued with purpose and meaning When you dawdle, waste time, distract yourself, …
Every single moment of your life you do something (even when you do nothing — you do nothing) Everything you do has consequences Everything you do has two type of consequences: —Present consequences —Long-term consequences The consequences can be positive or negative or neutral Most of us spend lives trying to …
The Value of Beauty
What is the value of beauty? Does beauty actually have value? Does beauty have a purpose? Is beauty vain? Is beauty sacred? Beauty is simply the quality of The Beautiful What is The Beautiful? The Beautiful is good The Beautiful is true The Beautiful is delightful and joyful and salubrious and hopeful …
Everyone is Lucky By Definition
EVERYONE is lucky, by definition Everyone is lucky to be here Just take the odds of even landing on this planet Perhaps even in the human-sense — your arrival was unpremeditated Everyone is lucky, by definition My original point is that we all invariably must get lucky “Lucky” is something which is possible, …