If you think the world is unfair — it will be. And it will fuck you in the ass If you think someone doesn’t deserve what he’s gotten — you won’t deserve it either. Entitlement is an illusion You can’t conceive what you deserve (Nor can you conceive what is possible) You can however …
Tag: Happiness
To Commit to Loving Life
Depending on what level you are you have some “problems” Some lowly problems like not looking so pretty And problems of not having so much in your pocket Some everyday problems at work and at home and all these fucking chores Some long term problems of dissatisfaction and disinterest Some amazing problems of not having …
You Will Not See Me Cry Because I Really Don’t Have the Time
I don’t use negativity as fuel I don’t “tolerate” negativity as some side effect or necessary evil Life is not just short but life is really fucking short Therefore I laugh when you laugh and I laugh when you cry You will not see me cry because I really don’t have the time
Boredom as the Enemy
There is not one Boredom. There are more Boredoms: —There’s The Boredom of Stagnation, routine —There’s The Boredom of Seeking to be entertained, seeking to be busy, seeking to be Distracted (from existence) —There’s The Boredom which is a sign — sign that you’re bored —There’s The Boredom which is a state — state of …
You Are Wired To Feel Contented When Things Are Simply Normal
You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal Happiness is not some great mystery It is the opposite — it is SIMPLICITY You are wired to feel contented when things are simply normal When you’re not dying of starvation When you’re not freezing amidst the snowstorm, far away from your comfty …
Everything You Ever Wanted Is Nothing
everything you ever wanted is nothing the moment you have what you wanted you don’t care not until you have what you wanted were you able to see it for what it is — nothing at all all the WANTING is your projection the real want is merely you doing “A” you …
Satisfy Satisfaction
You’ve seen the trap you had fallen into The futility of outside achievement You saw the impermanence of things and now you know that there is no way of completing yourself there is nothing to complete no you only impermanence You want to be free from this desire to complete yourself, this desire to …
I don’t trust the unhappy
I don’t trust the unhappy I don’t trust the unhappy I’m not saying it lightly and it’s not a fancy quip It’s a genuine good advice Stay away from the unhappy Unhappy is unhappy for a reason Whatever causes him to be unhappy is an ongoing process Whatever actions he engages in are …
Thought I’d shed some light on this bizarre nonsense… You are born, You listen to those that provide you with shelter and protection You listen to those that intimidate you You listen to memes which condition you You survive the twisted period of compulsory education WHAT DO YOU DO THEN? Let’s assume that …
Happiness Is Underrated
Happiness is underrated Happiness is the true mark of success We signal success with silly trinkets and titles and stories — rather then with a smile. Happiness is still underrated when we babble so much about success and money and growth — rather then simply smile. Happiness is still underrated …