
Rationalise The Irrational, Subjectify The Objective

There’s the known the logical, the understandable, the measurable, the objective, the rational, etc. And there’s the unknown, the inscrutable, the subjective, the irrational, etc   Our idea of the world is obviously a blend of the two Concepts which are logical, which are coherent, which are sensible, Observations which suggest a generalisation with greater …

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Lifestyle World

Mediocrity and Competence

Your boss is a mediocrity that is hopefully at least competent. Your employee is a mediocrity that will hopefully do what he’s told, and do it at an acceptable level. And whoever you wouldn’t employee is a mediocrity that is also useless, or even destructive.   There are great man out there of course, but …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Eradicate Illusionary Hierarchies

Practically — hierarchies help us organise ourselves in the society. They are a good thing. Spiritually — hierarchies are void. Void because you will die anyway. God doesn’t give a fuck about your place in some illusionary hierarchy. Your specific value does depend on your place in hierarchy. Your intrinsic value doesn’t. Equating your intrinsic …

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If Life Doesn’t Humble You…

If life doesn’t humble you then you’re not challenging yourself   How does one grow prideful, arrogant? By thinking he’s doing (so) well When does one think he’s doing well? Usually one thinks he’s doing well AFTER he DID DO WELL, with something And this sense of “doing well”, sense of contentment about oneself, it …

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