Philosophy World


There’s the known And there’s the unknown   The known you know to know, typically Sometimes you know without even knowing that you know, you “just know it” The unknown you partly know to not know, and partly don’t even know that you don’t know   Now, if you know something, truly know — there’s …

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Philosophy World

Politicians And Political Brain Rot

Politics consists of: -idiots -cynics -or cynical idiots   Politics doesn’t attracts idealists, does it? Idealists are too busy actually impacting the world They don’t have time for the politicking nonsense, demagogy, marketing, lobbying, debating, talking…   This is NOT to say that politics are useless and we don’t need a government Obviously we need …

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Philosophy World

Complex Modern World Made Us All Incompetent Idiots

What is an idiot? Let’s define an idiot as following generalisation: -someone not only incompetent -but practically unlikely to achieve competence -thus not only not helpful, but harmful to the subject being dealt with   Are most man idiots? Yes they are   We live in a complex world: -Complex global systems -Complex big economy …

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Rationalise The Irrational, Subjectify The Objective

There’s the known the logical, the understandable, the measurable, the objective, the rational, etc. And there’s the unknown, the inscrutable, the subjective, the irrational, etc   Our idea of the world is obviously a blend of the two Concepts which are logical, which are coherent, which are sensible, Observations which suggest a generalisation with greater …

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About Childishness

I see a lot of adult children, childish I asked myself what is childishness?   (I wrote about maturity previously: “About maturity”)   A childish child: -doesn’t have responsibilities -lacks experience -lacks self-awareness (I suppose it’s a function of lacking experience) -doesn’t “fit in” (which is neither innately good nor bad. There is “good abnormal” …

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Understanding Understanding (Labels)

-Variety, diversity means that objects have different properties. E.g. a cat has fur, it purrs, and is cute. Whereas a tree has leaves, a trunk, branches, and grows big -Existence of variety doesn’t preclude existence of a degree of homogeneity. Two objects can have some different properties — and some similar properties -Thus between two …

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Philosophy World

About Diversity

What is diversity? Variety? Variety is when object has varied attributes (as compared to some other object). Diversity is when you have a group of objects diverse in their attributes.   Is diversity good? Diversity is neither good nor bad. There can be multitude of objects diverse in various good qualities. There can be multitude …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Rigid vs Completely Ossified Minds

Most men are rigid. Most men eventually consolidate in their beliefs. The psyche wraps around those beliefs protectively. The entire machinery of schemas and biases makes it immensely difficult to penetrate. Don’t hope for an average person to change. People don’t change.   Most men are rigid. There’s little chance of them changing. There’s little …

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