Lifestyle Philosophy


There’s overthinking and overacting. There’s a balance to find.   The QUICKER you can test and tinker and iterate — the less you have to think. Why bother thinking — if problem naturally solves itself anyway.   If the problem is NOT solving itself however — is when you obviously should stop and STRATEGISE. Repeating …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Cycle Of Delusion, Pessimism, Enlightenment

It’s a cycle: -delusion, ignorance, denial -acceptance, pessimism, desperation -growth, enlightenment   Examples? –Dunning-Kruger effect –Gartner’s hype cycle –Four stages of competence -and most people you know   Let’s explain the cycle:   DELUSION, IGNORANCE, DENIAL -Anything you’re not knowledgeable about, don’t have significant experience at — you’re basically ignorant about -Since you’re ignorant — …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Ignorance, Innocence, Evil, Cast a Stone

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone “   Most man are in no position to pose MORAL CONDEMNATION. This is because they are not themselves righteous. Doesn’t mean they are wicked. But they are not righteous. Because there is nothing righteous that they could ever do. This is …

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