
Adults Aren’t Mature, Just Stuck Up

Adults are not more mature and serious, They are only less cheerful and playful, more stuck up and fucking lame and uncool   Kids are fun and mischievous and bubbly They are also inexperienced and irresponsible and unserious   Most adults are inexperienced Life is vast Most man did fuck all Their experience is closer …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Admit You Don’t Like Them, NEUTRALLY

Why don’t you just admit that you don’t like someone Without having to first get angry or offended or conceited or quarrel with them   Why don’t you just ADMIT that you have a PREFERENCE Without denigrating someone Without puffing up like a fucking peacock Without even a tincture of hostility Just an EXTREMELY CASUAL …

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SPONTANEOUS Communication vs BUSINESS Communication

PERSONAL is spontaneous and fathomless . BUSINESS is specific and focused. (BUSINESS, or “GOAL ORIENTATION”)   I believe the key PRINCIPLES to follow in one’s PERSONAL EXPRESSION, PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: –INDIVIDUALITY and (personal) CONGRUENCE -SPONTANEITY and EXPLORATION –MINIMALISM and RESERVATION and MYSTERIOUSNESS   I believe in BUSINESS it’s mostly the opposite: -NOT about you but about …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Supply and Demand of Your Psyche

The law of supply states that as demand raises — supply will also raise   Could we hypothesise that similar principle could govern one’s soul? =The more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it CETERIS PARIBUS the more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it. Assuming no …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Imitate Properly, Puppet

Since you’re a soulless puppet Why not be a happy puppet?   We learn via imitation And lose our soul in the process Deal with it   Since you’re an imitator anyway, At least do the imitation properly   At least become conscious WHO you imitate WHAT you imitate WHY you imitate Make that choice consciously …

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