Thought I’d shed some light on this bizarre nonsense… You are born, You listen to those that provide you with shelter and protection You listen to those that intimidate you You listen to memes which condition you You survive the twisted period of compulsory education WHAT DO YOU DO THEN? Let’s assume that …
Tag: Individuality
Only You Can Validate Yourself
What is affirmed when you receive validation is that SOMEONE agrees with what you say So is it about them or is it about you? If you want to them to be happy and ‘right’ and all that — then be happy for them. If you want yourself to be happy WITH YOURSELF — then …
Life is exploration. World is exploration. Progress is exploration. Discovery is exploration. Exploration comes before discovery. Before result. Before achievement. Before benefits. Before reputation Exploration is salient philosophically, spiritually. Results are subjective. Their relevance is merely relative. Exploration is a way of living, a lifestyle, a life’s philosophy. Fixation with result ruins …
To Lead One Must Lead Himself First
Most “leaders” become more attached to their following then their following is to them. I never would have believed the extent of this had I not come on twitter. I thought certain personalities were immune to social pressure and influence. Resolute, ready to LEAD. I was wrong. The fewest were. The phenomena …