Since you’re a soulless puppet Why not be a happy puppet? We learn via imitation And lose our soul in the process Deal with it Since you’re an imitator anyway, At least do the imitation properly At least become conscious WHO you imitate WHAT you imitate WHY you imitate Make that choice consciously …
Tag: Individuality
Individual is born fundamentally self-interested and rational Self-interest means interest means motivation. Motivation to benefit oneself. OPPORTUNITY is intrinsic to reality. If there is an idea, a desire, a WILL — then there exists an opportunity to realise that idea, from the essentially infinite realm of possible possibilities and unknown unknowns The above is …
The END is NOT the END. (The end goal is not the real goal) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for what it ACCOMPLISHES. But the PROCESS is NOT the END either (It’s not about the journey either, not per se) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for …
Genius Is Indeed Madness
There’s the regular and there’s the exceptional. There’s the normal and there’s the abnormal. Abnormal, which can be positively abnormal (genius) — or negatively abnormal (madness). With the normal being normal, regular, predictable, common, mediocre, and quite functional. Thus already the common denominator of both genius and madness is that both are abnormal, both …
Too Busy For Anything Less (Than Love)
First you give love to yourself Then give love to others THIS is the formula Formula to what? To every time you feel anything less than love Anything less than love is not exactly ideal, is it Anger is not fun Resentment is not fun Greed is not fun Need is not fun …
You Think You’re “Real”, You’re Not
You can think you’re real while actually being not real What does real even means? It would mean that you treasure and honour that which is real to you rather than to someone else That which you value rather than that which someone else values But what if you don’t even know what …
Entertainment is Boring
Entertainment is so fucking boring Fun is so boring Pleasure is boring too Work is not boring Fulfilment is not boring (Real) Challenge is not boring Love is not boring, power is not boring, strength is not boring It even sounds right, what I just wrote, all “philosophy” aside Who would put “fun” …
Shameless vs Shame-free
SHAME is what protects you from CHANGING Ideally from changing for the worse But what is “worse” in the first place? Thus practically — shame often protects you from changing PERIOD. There are many LAYERS to SHAME, which can be shockingly independent There are things you’re ashamed of publicly but comfortable with otherwise And …
Look Back And Change For The Worse?
if you were to look back at your life, and think of an improvement would you choose to be more lazy more stupid, more mediocre ? obviously not would you choose to have less? to have things in lower quality? to have things inferior? ? obviously not now, would you choose to be …
What Shall Society Give You?
I know few man who can move themselves. Who can will their reality, will their action, will their mind — INDEPENDENTLY of the outside world. Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Therefore most man only get better if …