Ultimately, how you feel about life is how you feel about yourself, and vice versa. Because whatever it is that you call “yourself” — is ultimately but a collection of your life experiences. Unjust life creates unjust people. Tough life creates tough people. Loving world creates loving people. Boring life creates boring people. Comfortable …
Tag: Individuality
Excitement is Within
Excitement is within. Outside excitement is boring and numbing. Excitement is within. It’s like a kid playing with toy soldiers, If he doesn’t have toy soldiers — he will play with any stick or rock, He will joke and laugh and say what he wants. That’s not to say he won’t ever get bored, …
Live Two or Three Lives
You live one life and then you die. That’s what makes it so valuable. You go on vacations for a week and then you return to your old boring reality. Monday you are on vacations and next Monday you are back at work. Your vacations are even more boring than your work. But it’s …
-PLAYFULNESS, PLAY, is just trying out new things = TINKERING -TINKERING is how you solve problems too -Life is but solving problems -Therefore life is fun Life is fun It’s not fun because you say it’s not fun. It’s not fun because you have expectations, you are entitled. You want things to be your …
You Are An Individual And You Are The World
Apparently you are not the only human on earth Therefore you invariably impact others — and are impacted by others You came into the world built by others and you will die in a world predominately built by others How much of your life do you think you can even take credit for? You are …
From Animal to Partner to Human to Transcendental (Rant)
You go from a desperate animal to a transcendental consciousness. You go from infinitesimal entity to the all-encompassing whole. The desperate animal sees everything from the myopic perspective of it’s own survival. Therefore everyone is either a tool — or a threat. In humans this involves either hardcore personality disorder — or deep, deep …
About Travelling
The value of travelling is not travelling. The value of travelling is THE NEW. The value of THE NEW is that the new is the promise of growth, evolution. You can’t have growth without changing, without developing into something different, something new indeed. On a deeper level — the value of the NEW is …
Failure Is Real, Success Is Real
Let’s define success as: *tangibly doing a little better at something specific*, let’s define failure as: *failing to do better whatsoever at something specific*, Success is not merely “doing better”. Anything can be defined as better or worse. You have to be specific. This is the trap of the “conventionally successful”. They think they …
Quality vs Utility
There’s quality, and there’s impact, utility. The two are rarely synonymous. Quality is more of an ideal, idea, concept, Doesn’t mean it’s abstract, it could be real, tangible, But it is not necessarily scalable, Therefore utility is limited Therefore it’s impact is limited It’s immediate impact is limited. It’s long term impact could …
I can consider action or actions someone is taking as admirable, as productive, constructive, as professional, as good, as moral I can also consider them inferior to the actions someone else is taking, or I myself am taking I can view someone’s philosophy, someone’s approach, someone’s overarching plan — as productive, as constructive, as intelligent, …