
Knowing a Formula — vs Actually APPLYING It

When you were in school, on your mathematics classes, you would learn a formula And then you had to apply this formula to solve a problem   Knowing the formula was sufficient to solve the problem But it DIDN’T YET solve the problem You still had to apply this formula And that you had to …

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Rationalise The Irrational, Subjectify The Objective

There’s the known the logical, the understandable, the measurable, the objective, the rational, etc. And there’s the unknown, the inscrutable, the subjective, the irrational, etc   Our idea of the world is obviously a blend of the two Concepts which are logical, which are coherent, which are sensible, Observations which suggest a generalisation with greater …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Outcomes vs Methods, Imitation vs Realness

There’s the OUTCOME you want to attain. And there’s HOW you attain that outcome. The OUTCOME is concrete . But the “HOW” is more vague   The “HOW” is sometimes clear and sometimes utterly obscure, and usually partly clear and partly obscure. To get the OUTCOME you are looking for the “HOW”. You follow, IMITATE …

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Philosophy World

Value and Forgetfulness

Data has value. Just like gold has value. Data is stored. Just like gold is stored. We retrieve the data from the store in order to access it’s value. Just like we retrieve the gold from our safe in order to sell it and cash out on it’s value.   Now, If you had forgotten …

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Multithreading (And Learning How To Think)

Multithreading teaches you about all successful reasoning, single-threading or multi-threading the same.   Successful reasoning is the same as successful travelling — it’s about successfully efficiently steadily getting from point A to point Z. A single thread has the purpose of going from point A to Z. Running multiple threads simultaneously means you’re getting multiple …

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Be More Imitative AND More Original

You should be more imitative AND more original   How’s that possible? Isn’t it mutually exclusive? It’s possible if you’re poor at imitating It’s possible if you’re poor at being original   It’s exactly what happens: You call it originality — but you’re just poor at imitating Or you call it imitating and “doing what …

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Philosophy World

You’re CLUELESS About Risk Management

We all have some innate sense of risk-management. E.g. FEAR. And then we also have plenty learned methods of risk management. E.g. DIVERSIFICATION   Alas we keep failing our “risk-management” in the modern world   FEAR fails most of the time because most our modern “threats” are NOT mortal. Therefore you actually SHOULD take more …

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