here’s the formula: o = outcome t = time r = resources = labour /capital / materials / etc. e = effectiveness o = e * r * t outcome = effectiveness * resources * time Your outcome is directly proportional to the resources you input, EFFECTIVENESS with which you do it, and time …
Tag: Learning
Own Idea of Success
There’s success And there’s “success” What is success? I don’t know To me success is what you did today, and how conscious you were, and how ALIVE, but to you? I don’t know But i know what it is not It is not what someone else tells you it is And it is …
Internet Tool Of Delusion And Enlightenment
Tools provide leverage Whatever you want to achieve — you will achieve better, faster, bigger — with a tool You can create more with a powerful tool You can destroy more with a powerful tool INTERNET IS A TOOL Social media is a tool You can use it to benefit yourself and the world, …
Consuming Knowledge and Stories
You want to do more — then learn more, know more You want to live more — then learn more, know more (stories) You want to do more — then learn more, know more: RELATE your ACTIONS to the body of knowledge You want to live more — then learn more, know more (stories): …
To Judge or Not To Judge
Update 2024.05.26: I have since written a more pragmatic take on the subject: To Judge or Not To Judge (#2) There’s observing And then there’s judging and comparing and labelling Indeed you must judge. Judge those you work with. Judge who to trust. Judge the potential dangers. Indeed you must compare. This is …
If Life Doesn’t Humble You…
If life doesn’t humble you then you’re not challenging yourself How does one grow prideful, arrogant? By thinking he’s doing (so) well When does one think he’s doing well? Usually one thinks he’s doing well AFTER he DID DO WELL, with something And this sense of “doing well”, sense of contentment about oneself, it …
The Language Barrier
To speak with someone you must speak the same language To name something there must be a word for that thing in that language And to describe something there must be words capable of describing that thing Given two individuals not always speak the same language Sometimes an individual refers to concepts which are …
Simple But Not Easy
There’s what’s difficult and there’s what’s simple. But then there’s “simple but not easy”. How can something be “simple but not easy”? In truth, it can’t! It doesn’t make any sense, it’s paradoxical. The true meaning of “simple but not easy” is that it is UNKNOWN The difficulty is ultimately UNKNOWN, in how: -it …
Doers are NOT Sceptics
Have you ever seen a highly successful sceptic? Have any of the greatest visionaries been a sceptic? Have you ever seen a high-achiever, someone busy DOING THINGS — have you seen him BICKER how THIS and THAT is NOT GOING TO WORK? There is no place for scepticism outside of science* (where it is …
That Which Doesn’t Solve Your Problem — Creates It
You have a problem You need a tool, a solution You solve the problem and discard the tool It’s dead weight It could even be used against you Once you have a problem you need solution If you don’t have a problem — then you don’t need solution If you solved your problem — …