Everything is different then it looks Obviously How something looks conveys only limited information about the object And yet we act and we think as though our perception of a thing, coming from indirect experience, is objective, and gives us realistic image of the whole You think you want something but what do you …
Tag: Learning
The PREDICAMENTS of “Wisdom”
There’s the existence. Existence which you were burdened with. Existence and the problems of existence. All problems are problems of existence. Your “petty” quotidian problems are still problems of existence (or rather, those are the real problems of existence) You solve problems, You solve problems and learn, You solve problems and learn and …
I do enjoy seeing someone fail. Does it make me feel better about myself? No. But it does teach me what NOT to do. Failure teaches you more then success does. Failure is more tangible. You have far more control over failing the you have over “succeeding”, Anyone can get lucky. Chances are your …
-there’s the thinking vs doing dichotomy -first one only does — breaths, walks, eats, lives… -then one hopefully learns to think; Not everyone does, mind you -then, some of us become infatuated, with this THINKING-GAME -thinking can then become an end in and of itself -one then hopefully returns to doing -this doing must …
For Every Person That Agrees With You Find Someone Or Something That Doesn’t
-there’s what you know you don’t agree with -there’s what you know you agree with -there’s what you don’t know whether you agree with or disagree with if you have any tolerance for what you know you disagree with – you are wasting your precious time Plenty men waste their time We’re too …
Get A Habit Of Explaining Everything — Then Get Rid Of That Habit
Hey, It’s a good idea to try to understand the world Believe it or not, some don’t (try to understand the world) I advice you to get into habit of explaining everything, trying to explain everything Once it’s a habit — it’s effortless When you have a habit of explaining everything, trying to explain …
Making Notes
What i do here is I’m making notes Why would one make notes? Because our RAM is limited You can only held so much information at once, in your brain You can only analyse so many pieces of information at once, in your brain Therefore you make notes Therefore you make notes So …
To Not Believe You
There are 2 kinds of fools: Those who believe others And those who believe themselves +Everything in between Those who believe others are the poor fools who will waste their lives pursuing someone else’s dreams, someone else’s truths, someone else’s lies The poor ideological warriors, the politicians and activists, the careermen, the label-bearers, Those …
You Can Skim But Fail to Understand
You can skim through an idea or theory and understand it in 90% — but that missing last 10% compromises the entire meaning I believe combination of your innate cognitive laziness with confirmation bias is what largely causes that — and subsequently our ineffectiveness at learning from what we read and hear And …
Do Things Wrong on Purpose to Learn Why It’s Wrong
You know making mistakes is good because you learn Sometimes it makes sense to do things wrong on purpose If you explore — you will have made many mistakes either way; The NEW implies equal chance of it being an improvement or a step back Notwithstanding sometimes it makes sense to fuck things …