
Perhaps LOVE Is But To Be OPEN

Perhaps LOVE is but to be OPEN   You’re just open, So that you are open to experience, to perceive to see   You just observe You just accept You just appreciate You just love   …yeah You can go do your BUSINESS later Make your IMPORTANT DECISIONS later Make the VALUE JUDGEMENTS LATER   …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

PAUSE, Take a Breath

Pause Take a breath   Pause whatever you’re doing — pause close your eyes and take a long breath or 2 or 10 or set a timer, a short MEDITATIVE INTERLUDE   And the less you want to pause — the more VITAL it is that you pause Because chances are you don’t know where …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

You’re Either Alive — Or Distracting Yourself

you’re either alive — or distracting yourself   when you’re scared to live — you’re distracting yourself when you’re confused — you’re distracting yourself when you’re tired — you’re distracting yourself   you’re scared of the unknown, you’d rather retain homeostasis you’re confused, you’d rather not seek the truth, you’re overwhelmed, you’re arrogant, you’d rather …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

When You’re Fully Present…

When you’re fully present — every day feels like forever   Forever it means it is long and rich and deep …and not short and fleeting and insubstantial   It is rich because you are attentive It is rich because it is imbued with purpose and meaning   When you dawdle, waste time, distract yourself, …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Think How You Think

From time to time think about how you think Or else your “thinking” becomes routine and then it’s barren and not intelligent at all   Think about thinking about thinking about thinking (…) There are layers of perceptions and conclusions buried under the layers of automatic thoughts Unbury them to release intelligence   Ultimately Think …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Lying on the Beach Gets Bad Rep

lying on the beach gets bad rep lying in the sun is meditation lying in the sun is spirituality   franticly running around seeing places, scoring landmarks, taking photos, as if to some report, now that is ambitious, that is mundane, that is worldly and lowly and rushed and profane and greedy and low energy …

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You, Your Thought

You are every thought which emerges in your mind, the moment it emerges   You are as ugly as your ugliest thought You are as pure as your purest thought   You are as worried as worried your thought was You are as bored as restless your thought was You are as anxious and terrified …

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