Market gives you all the information of WHAT TO DO (FREE MARKET, obviously. If it’s not free, than instead of reality all you learn is what someone wants to believe) Look around you Look at stuff you own Stuff you use Stuff you buy YOU VALUE THAT STUFF Now you already know a little …
Tag: Money
Everyone Should Get “Rich”
Do you need food? Do you need shelter? Do you have shelter? Do you have all the food? Do you have enough to live indefinitely? If you don’t then how do you know you will have it tomorrow? What if you won’t? What if you starve? What if you freeze? This is …
RICHER means NOT number – but VALUE
AMOUNT (OF MONEY, resource) is just one of the myriad variables But it’s PRODUCTS and SERVICES which just FLUCTUATE like CRAZY in PRICES and subsequent VALUE As well as one’s NEEDS Thus the CHANGES IN THE MARKET, in the products and services available, actually impact the bottom line MORE than the number on one’s …
Quality vs Utility
There’s quality, and there’s impact, utility. The two are rarely synonymous. Quality is more of an ideal, idea, concept, Doesn’t mean it’s abstract, it could be real, tangible, But it is not necessarily scalable, Therefore utility is limited Therefore it’s impact is limited It’s immediate impact is limited. It’s long term impact could …
Play the PREDICTING Game
You come into this world and you live, You live, you act, you observe, You act and you observe your outcomes And you observe the world, And you learn You learn from observing the world and from observing the outcomes of your actions, Then you put those lessons to work, In repeat This is how …
here’s the formula: o = outcome t = time r = resources = labour /capital / materials / etc. e = effectiveness o = e * r * t outcome = effectiveness * resources * time Your outcome is directly proportional to the resources you input, EFFECTIVENESS with which you do it, and time …
Measure Everything
“Effectiveness is the capability of producing a desired result or the ability to produce desired output.” How does one produce anything? One utilises resources time + energy + physical resources + tools + labour + knowledge + skills, etc To produce anything one has to manage resources To effectively produce something is to effectively …
Money and Energy
Money is a form of energy With money you can move certain things, the way you not necessarily can without it You can move a lot with money Physically and beyond You can put things in your hands, made things You can move you in space, quick You can nourish your belly You can …
Doesn’t Create Value
trading doesn’t create value marketing doesn’t create value selling doesn’t create value swindling doesn’t create value none of the above create value those activities just move value from one place to another this is evident and incontrovertible so why do you do this? you do this because you are confused you chase …
Time Management as Resource Management
Time is obviously a resource. It’s a resource which is limited Therefore it must be carefully managed, so as to get the best return of investment. How do you manage anything? To manage anything — you must understand how it works — and what you want to achieve in the first place. Do you …