Fair means it conforms to certain rules: whether agreed as a community — or at least internally consistent and transparent. Unfair means the opposite: it breaks the rules. Whether it’s rules decided as a community, or even any consistent and complete set of rules. Random means it neither breaks the rules nor is explained by …
Tag: Morality
Why is greed so repugnant, disgusting? Greed is delusion Greed is weakness Greed is delusional faith, hope — for betterment through acquisition Greed is weakness — when this false betterment comes at the expense of true values You and I of course are reward-driven You and I of course have goals But …
COMPARISON as a Useful Model
Comparison, metaphor — is like a model of a thing The purpose of a model is to represent something Model is of course NOT the thing itself It is but it’s representation It omits certain aspects of it — and represents other aspects In having a copy: theoretical or scaled down or whatever — …
Absolute vs Relative Truth (In PRACTICAL Terms)
Let’s NOT go down the rabbit hole of how to DEFINE TRUTH, what IS TRUTH, etc, Let’s try to practically unpack the problem of truth Practically would entail utility, practical usefulness We could thus define truth as THAT WHICH WORKS This is good for start Enough to get us amazing tech Enough to …
Empathy vs Principles, Morality
Let’s define “MORAL” as “good for everyone involved” Let’s not get any deeper than this, and assume we can find something that’s GOOD for everyone involved Indeed, good for everyone is perhaps not that complicated. -start with some silver rule — don’t cheat, don’t steal, don’t be a lying piece of shit, don’t harm …
Morality of Profiting at the Expense of Others
Should you profit at the expense of others? If others don’t matter — then it doesn’t matter if you profit at their expense or not. Just like it doesn’t matter if you satiate your culinary desires by eating succulent steak, at the expense of some cow But if you claim that others matter …
About Liars
To LIE is to believe you get ahead in lying It’s to believe it’s a better strategy to tell others something you believe they want to hear, instead of what-IS Of course LYING doesn’t change WHAT-IS So eventually you are found out, by definition Unless you change what-is before you’re found out — then …
Nothing’s Free Yet You Received a Gift Yet You’re Entitled to SHIT
What’s the price of life? What’s the price of freedom? Life is not free Freedom is not free You’re not free to live as you please You’re not even necessarily free to live The world created you and the world might as well swallow you instantly You could have never been born …
Love Your Enemy
Love your enemy What does it mean? It means that everyone is, at least in part, LOVE-ly Everyone is in part LOVE-LY, LOVE-ABLE In worst case scenario you merely say “no thanks” You walk away from them (Perhaps you run away from them) But that’s the worst case scenario — and it’s NEUTRAL It’s …
Weight of Problems, One’s Strength, and Evil
Men have problems. Problem is not just something that is causing you obvious hassle at the moment. Problem can be something that is causing you anxiety at mere thought of, even something you’re not even aware of. You don’t have to be consciously aware of something for it to trouble you, poison you, Depending …