You’re not perfect — but you probably are NOT a “bad person” Bear with me We humans are sometimes too binary (and sometimes not binary enough) When things really matter — things like life and death — we learn to be decisive, we learn to be binary Things like good and bad We learn …
Tag: Morality
Doesn’t Create Value
trading doesn’t create value marketing doesn’t create value selling doesn’t create value swindling doesn’t create value none of the above create value those activities just move value from one place to another this is evident and incontrovertible so why do you do this? you do this because you are confused you chase …
Injustice For Injustice
You don’t pay for injustice with injustice Then you are unjust Then you are unjust and then get paid with injustice, again Injustice only ends when you end injustice You are the world
So You Heard There Is Something Wrong With The World
So You heard there is something wrong with the world You might have seen a lot in your life — but instead of focusing on everything that you’ve seen — you take this HEARSAY — and decide to focus on that You might have done a lot in your life and you might …
Hostility is Violence
Hostility is violence To want to see someone “get what he deserves”, “get punished”, “be taken down a peg”, is to be violent. To insult someone, to mock someone, to deride someone, is to be violent. To not want the best for your fellow human beings, for your brothers, for your enemies, is to be …
Marketing is Even Worse
Marketing is even worse than you think Marketing is mass confusion Marketing is mass brain-washing Marketing is mass delusion Marketing is mass hysteria Marketing only works because you are confused When you don’t know what you want — marketing tells you what to want When you can’t decide what is the right choice — …
Free From SIN, or The Antifragile Being
You want to be free from sin. You want to be free from vice. Do you know why you want to be free from sin? Because you’ll go to heaven. Now, I wouldn’t count on going to heaven after you die. After you die — chances are you’re going to go to the …
The Meaning Of Punishment Is To Tighten The Feedback Loop
The meaning of punishment is not to “punish” those deserving of punishment That’s because life itself does the punishing for you The meaning of punishment is to tighten the feedback loop — so that you learn from your mistakes, before it’s too late Life itself does the punishing for you The killer sees knifes …
Should You Sell You
You come into this world, You have your hands and your eyes and your ears and your brains, Ready to watch and listen and learn and think and DO You’ve some time for all those escapades, and then you’re going to die, and that’s the end of it, You’re going to die and you know …
Your Negativity Is The World’s Negativity
Your negativity is the world’s negativity. World’s negativity is your negativity. There is no separation – only negativity. Please, see it, when you are met with the negativity of others, or when you yourself are experiencing problems. See that your problem is the world’s problem… see that there is the entirety of humanity encountering …