

The END is NOT the END. (The end goal is not the real goal) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for what it ACCOMPLISHES.   But the PROCESS is NOT the END either (It’s not about the journey either, not per se) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for …

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HUMAN’s condition is a balance of: –STRESS, TENSION, and release –EFFORT , ENERGY (level) -joys and pleasures and WELLNESS and fulfilment   Besides your long term goals — it’s IMPERATIVE you maintain yourself in GOOD CONDITION — by matching those NEEDS -if you don’t — you’ll quickly hate your life +you’ll CRACK in your pursuits …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

No Desire?

Desire is craving is compulsion is lack is dissatisfaction is suffering WILL is choice is consciousness is insight And joy is joy, and pleasure is pleasure   DESIRE You are suffering therefore you desire You desire therefore you’re suffering It’s a circle Desiring brings you suffering, dissatisfaction And it distracts you from addressing true causes …

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Pleasure as Distraction, Pleasure as a Side-effect

Happiness is the default state of LIVING. Or it was the default state when you were born. But this and that happened — you recorded it in memory — and ever since it obscured this pristine, innate happiness.   Pleasure is a side effect of LIVING. Living is doing things and moving — and pleasure …

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Success Is a Pleasure for the Successful

  Success is a pleasure for the successful   Success is pleasure to the successful and boring to the unsuccessful More boring then whatever barren activities they engage in Do you even enjoy doing successful stuff? It’s ok if you enjoy watching tv. It’s just not what warren buffet enjoys the most If success bores …

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Simple Pleasures

One needs some simple pleasures to live the simple life.   Simple pleasure is sacred because it is simple. Simple is sacred because the self – with all it’s cunning and ambition and turmoil – can barely survive in it.   Simple life is very pleasurable because it is abundant with simple pleasures. Not adulterated …

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