Philosophy World

Politicians And Political Brain Rot

Politics consists of: -idiots -cynics -or cynical idiots   Politics doesn’t attracts idealists, does it? Idealists are too busy actually impacting the world They don’t have time for the politicking nonsense, demagogy, marketing, lobbying, debating, talking…   This is NOT to say that politics are useless and we don’t need a government Obviously we need …

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Philosophy World

Complex Modern World Made Us All Incompetent Idiots

What is an idiot? Let’s define an idiot as following generalisation: -someone not only incompetent -but practically unlikely to achieve competence -thus not only not helpful, but harmful to the subject being dealt with   Are most man idiots? Yes they are   We live in a complex world: -Complex global systems -Complex big economy …

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The END is NOT the END. (The end goal is not the real goal) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for what it ACCOMPLISHES.   But the PROCESS is NOT the END either (It’s not about the journey either, not per se) What we do — we don’t MERELY do it for …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Solvable and Unsolvable Problems, Overcoming

There are problems you solve — and there are problems you consistently fail to solve.   What characterises problems you consistently fail to solve? -Too big and complex for you to even get going. Barrier of entry, barrier to even starting to make a change is too steep -“Simple but not easy”: hidden layers of …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

No Virtue In a Vacuum

There’s the “negative” It affects you. It affects you, more or less,   In a sense something is only “negative” IF it affects you, and only as negative as much it affects you E.g. there’s something horrible happening out there somewhere in the world — but it doesn’t affect you, you’re not aware of it, …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Life Gives You Exactly What You Need

Life gives you either exactly what you want, or NOT exactly what you want   If it gives you NOT what you want — it forces you to YOURSELF take what you want   That process of taking what you want, taking responsibility — is indeed the process of growing and evolving and elevating   …

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Philosophy World

We Used to Call It Magic

We used to call it MAGIC or GOD That which we couldn’t explain Couldn’t understand Today we call it a “CONSPIRACY”, or a “SCAM” That which we don’t understand we call “conspiracy”, or “scam”   We don’t understand how a single individual could be making 1000 times more than you and I We could call …

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The KING Has the Power to DO What He Says

There are 3 types of things: -Things you WILL do -Things you WON’T do -Things you MAY do   Many things you MAY do. Many things can happen by accident. Infinitely many, Infinitely many can happen, finitely many will happen finite is infinitely smaller than infinity, therefore what you MAY DO is NO FOUNDATION for …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Power IS and Is Good

Power is   Power is You can Perhaps your can outstretches to others That’s one of the many manifestations of power But power is far more than that It has always been And it is   Power is not equally distributed Power can’t be equally distributed because power can’t be distributed   We can reduce …

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