There are problems you solve — and there are problems you consistently fail to solve. What characterises problems you consistently fail to solve? -Too big and complex for you to even get going. Barrier of entry, barrier to even starting to make a change is too steep -“Simple but not easy”: hidden layers of …
Tag: Progress
There’s overthinking and overacting. There’s a balance to find. The QUICKER you can test and tinker and iterate — the less you have to think. Why bother thinking — if problem naturally solves itself anyway. If the problem is NOT solving itself however — is when you obviously should stop and STRATEGISE. Repeating …
No, We Are Not Better Than Our Modern World
-There’s the mediocre majority -The excellent minority -And the backwards minority -I believe the whole is pushed forward by the excellent minority -The excellent minority, the heroes, the precursors, the visionaries, the saints, are miles ahead -The mediocre majority is slightly behind the average of the whole, because the whole is pushed forward by the …