Philosophy Spirituality

Your Negativity Is The World’s Negativity

Your negativity is the world’s negativity. World’s negativity is your negativity. There is no separation – only negativity.   Please, see it, when you are met with the negativity of others, or when you yourself are experiencing problems. See that your problem is the world’s problem… see that there is the entirety of humanity encountering …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

About Maturity

Maturity is a function of solving life problems   It’s not maturity if you solve paper problems, or specific problems That’s why many man of science, art, many geniuses, are otherwise immature and one-dimensional   It’s not maturity if you have “seen it all” either You must have “done it all” Anyone could have “seen …

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Philosophy World

Everything Is Different Then It Looks

Everything is different then it looks Obviously How something looks conveys only limited information about the object And yet we act and we think as though our perception of a thing, coming from indirect experience, is objective, and gives us realistic image of the whole   You think you want something but what do you …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Positive In Negative

You don’t want to be positive in a negative situation Being “positive” in a negative situation is just being delusional You want to use that negativity to exit the negative situation — THEN be positive   If you do avoid negative outcomes and do create positive outcomes — there is EVERYTHING to be POSITIVE about, …

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Optimism as Self-Delusion

You do things You have expectations Your expectations are either realistic — or not Optimistic is not realistic Pessimistic is not realistic   You do things You don’t have expectations — because you are engaging in NEW practises, you are exploring You are optimistic You can’t be realistic — because you don’t have a clue …

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Philosophy World

Humanity Is Awkward And Confused

Humanity is awkward and confused   You’d think we have all this organisation and law and culture and tradition and philosophy and what have you Truth is it’s all a cover-up Deep within we’re so awkward and confused Clueless   We are animals We have our laws and customs and all that So do animals …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World


WHAT CHANGES? does the world change? does your life change? does the reality change? does the human nature change? does the god change? what changes and what doesn’t?   everything changes, but the whole everything changes in time, but the whole the whole is changeless everything else changes   everything else changes but this is …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Positive Thinking Works VIA NEGATIVA

“Positive thinking” works because it precludes negative thinking   Can you prove that POSITIVE THINKING works? I can prove via negativa I can’t prove “positive results” invariably resulting from “positive thinking” But I can prove that “negative results” follow “negative thinking” Therefore mere cessation of negative thinking is positive — as it shelters you from …

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Emotion Indicates Incomplete Comprehension

Emotional overreaction indicates incomplete comprehension   The ultimate nature of ALL things is perfect neutrality   When you’re very used to something — it doesn’t make you dramatically emotional;   When you’re used to something — you’re neutral (Curiously, this neutral can be ‘neutral-boring’, or ‘neutral-apathetic’, or ‘neutral-loving’) Bottom line is, your state, and your …

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