We don’t know that we don’t know That’s why beginners think they are experts (Dunning-Kruger effect). They DON’T KNOW how much more there is to know — therefore they think they know ALL there is to know — therefore they think they are experts But Dunning-Kruger effect is known, go read about it, …
Tag: Psychology
What Really Happens When You Reject The Authority
When you reject AUTHORITY — you’re left WITHOUT authority (unless you can replace it with some other authority) Now unless you yourself are THE authority — then again: you are left without authority Therefore simple logical conclusion is that now you’re IN THE DARK Being in the dark is not bad It’s …
Empathy vs Principles, Morality
Let’s define “MORAL” as “good for everyone involved” Let’s not get any deeper than this, and assume we can find something that’s GOOD for everyone involved Indeed, good for everyone is perhaps not that complicated. -start with some silver rule — don’t cheat, don’t steal, don’t be a lying piece of shit, don’t harm …
Fit Is Better Than Exasperation
A fit is better than chronic exasperation A fit releases the anger You throw a fit and it’s gone You also communicate your disappointment rather clearly Of course throwing a FIT is not ideal It typically overdoes it It creates a more precarious environment And it reveals lack of self-control But it’s …
Force Yourself To Joke
Literally force yourself to make a joke Right here right now, make a joke Look around and force a joke about what you see Or about what you think Or about anything Then laugh hard, if it’s worth laughing If it’s not, then find another joke Build upon the previous joke with a …
Success Guarantees Animosity and Separation
Success Guarantees Animosity and Separation Success guarantees animosity and separation The more you “succeed”, the more you separate yourself Obviously you do. You become different to get different outcomes Furthermore in getting different outcomes — you lose interest in the old outcomes Including old people, their old opinions, their old activities, all the …
Give Up To Reallocate Resources
There are only opportunities You find the best opportunity and then go in that direction How far you went doesn’t matter — if a better opportunity emerges You just change direction Why is “perseverance” an ideal, then? Perseverance is an ideal because of OPACITY involved, UNCERTAINTY involved You actually DON’T KNOW what …
Ruthless With The Finite, Boundless With The Infinite
If it doesn’t help you — it harms you If it’s either benefit or no benefit, benefit or harm, progress or regress — then NEUTRALITY doesn’t exist And if neutrality doesn’t exist — then neither does NEUTRAL ATTITUDE, does it? It’s either positive attitude then — or negative It’s either great time — or …
How To Traumatise, How To Not Traumatise
TRUE TRAUMA is when you are completely convinced of being INNATELY, DEEPLY, IDENTITY-LEVEL … DAMAGED Conversely if you’re NOT convinced — then you don’t care The likelihood of you being CONVINCED is proportional to your EXPERIENCE (confidence) in the subject -e.g. if you otherwise know NOTHING BUT SUCCESS — some idiot won’t immediately convince …
Admit You Don’t Like Them, NEUTRALLY
Why don’t you just admit that you don’t like someone Without having to first get angry or offended or conceited or quarrel with them Why don’t you just ADMIT that you have a PREFERENCE Without denigrating someone Without puffing up like a fucking peacock Without even a tincture of hostility Just an EXTREMELY CASUAL …