Lifestyle Spirituality

Admit You Don’t Like Them, NEUTRALLY

Why don’t you just admit that you don’t like someone Without having to first get angry or offended or conceited or quarrel with them   Why don’t you just ADMIT that you have a PREFERENCE Without denigrating someone Without puffing up like a fucking peacock Without even a tincture of hostility Just an EXTREMELY CASUAL …

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Philosophy World


There’s the known And there’s the unknown   The known you know to know, typically Sometimes you know without even knowing that you know, you “just know it” The unknown you partly know to not know, and partly don’t even know that you don’t know   Now, if you know something, truly know — there’s …

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Philosophy World

Why Do We Ignore The Fucking Market?

Market gives you all the information of WHAT TO DO (FREE MARKET, obviously. If it’s not free, than instead of reality all you learn is what someone wants to believe)   Look around you Look at stuff you own Stuff you use Stuff you buy YOU VALUE THAT STUFF Now you already know a little …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Supply and Demand of Your Psyche

The law of supply states that as demand raises — supply will also raise   Could we hypothesise that similar principle could govern one’s soul? =The more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it CETERIS PARIBUS the more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it. Assuming no …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

To Feel Superior Is To Feel Inferior

To feel superior is to feel inferior   To want to be “better” is to risk being “worse”   Growth is inextricably linked with insecurity   If you want to win over others — you are also preparing to lose with others   Can you see? Any time you harbour this pleasing thought of being …

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“Smart” People Also Jump On a Bandwagon

“Smart” people are as susceptible to bandwagon effect as stupid people (as susceptible to jump on a bandwagon)   This is because bandwagon effect is not driven by lower cognitive abilities — but by desire to fit in, to find consensus Which is universally human   Of course smart people have superior accuracy. Superior sense …

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You Don’t Have The Luxury Of “Self-acceptance”

You don’t have the luxury of “self-acceptance” Not unless you’re already improving   By default — when we see something we value, we like — we go ahead and take it, and utilise it, enjoy it, and we call it progress, call it an improvement — to have gotten hold of value, to have gotten …

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