There’s the regular and there’s the exceptional. There’s the normal and there’s the abnormal. Abnormal, which can be positively abnormal (genius) — or negatively abnormal (madness). With the normal being normal, regular, predictable, common, mediocre, and quite functional. Thus already the common denominator of both genius and madness is that both are abnormal, both …
Tag: Psychology
Your Needs Are But Bad Habits
What does it mean you need something? Does it mean it is required for you to accomplish your goals? Does it mean it’s presence has a positive impact on your well-being, your happiness? Does it mean it’s absence has a negative impact on your well-being, your happiness? I suppose if this was the …
Investment, Return, and Opportunity Perception
Whether you like it or not — you are an investor. You invest your attention. You invest your time. And of course you invest your money — anytime you’re buying something One invests to get something in return So the point is obviously to get that thing in return indeed, And then it’s better …
Human Flaws vs MIND-viruses
There are normal, ubiquitous, domesticated, elementary human flaws. And there are MIND-VIRUSES. Natural, normal humans flaws, are for instance: -laziness -lack of energy -desire -moods -carelessness -imperfection, fallibility -etc FLAWS are not even always flaws, really: Emotions have a purpose Desire obviously has a purpose Energy obviously is exhausted — then regenerated The …
Challenges, Strength, Confidence
At any given time of your life you face challenges Challenge, of course, is only a challenge if it challenges you For some breathing is a challenge For others conquering the world is a challenge And for some breathing is not a challenge And for some conquering the world is NOT a challenge Challenge …
The Gift of Suffering The Gift of Gratitude
Gift of suffering is gift of gratitude Gift of good fortune is poisoned NOT ALWAYS, I don’t want no martyrs. Martyrdom and pessimism are self-fulfilling prophecies Kill yourself like a martyr and tell me what good it brought, if you can But yes You become virtually DISABLED from gratitude, appreciation — when you: …
To Change Is The Only Thing Left
“The only thing that is constant is change” I often wonder about the hope for the hopeless Most of us have something to hope for But there are those man who don’t even have hope There’s nothing they hope for They are unhappy either way To those that have any hope — one …
Shameless vs Shame-free
SHAME is what protects you from CHANGING Ideally from changing for the worse But what is “worse” in the first place? Thus practically — shame often protects you from changing PERIOD. There are many LAYERS to SHAME, which can be shockingly independent There are things you’re ashamed of publicly but comfortable with otherwise And …
Self-control = CONTROL + SELF
Self-control = CONTROL + SELF We lose “self-control” because we either don’t have control — or don’t have power over our own selves CONTROL Control = having CONTROL over the SITUATION =not needing to rush it =not needing to get emotional about it =only CONTROLLING IT, as we desire =and only ENJOYING IT …
What Improvement Actually Means
Every single thing around you could be improved (Or, if it’s already perfect — it can still be changed, be made different) Every single thing around you can be improved It requires intent, Then realisation of that intent, There is a degree of exertion There is a movement of resources There is a change …