Self-control = CONTROL + SELF We lose “self-control” because we either don’t have control — or don’t have power over our own selves CONTROL Control = having CONTROL over the SITUATION =not needing to rush it =not needing to get emotional about it =only CONTROLLING IT, as we desire =and only ENJOYING IT …
Tag: Psychology
What Improvement Actually Means
Every single thing around you could be improved (Or, if it’s already perfect — it can still be changed, be made different) Every single thing around you can be improved It requires intent, Then realisation of that intent, There is a degree of exertion There is a movement of resources There is a change …
Rationalise The Irrational, Subjectify The Objective
There’s the known the logical, the understandable, the measurable, the objective, the rational, etc. And there’s the unknown, the inscrutable, the subjective, the irrational, etc Our idea of the world is obviously a blend of the two Concepts which are logical, which are coherent, which are sensible, Observations which suggest a generalisation with greater …
The 10% Bias
A common way of manipulating others and ourselves is “the 10% bias” I made up that name. I’m not familiar with similar bias, therefore I shall describe it here myself The 10% bias is when you let yourself be seduced by an extraordinary promise — under the excuse that “even if it’s only 10% …
You Whine And You Don’t Even Realise It
(I touched on the subject previously: Complaining vs Changing vs Accepting But it merits further exploration) -There’s acceptance -There’s determination -And there’s whining Whatever you say, whatever you think, whatever you do, whatever you feel, is a manifestation of one of those 3 Acceptance is calm Acceptance is understanding Acceptance is contented …
You’re Not Ready for FREEDOM
FREEDOM is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT — you should get a REGULAR, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIST LIFE What do I mean by such life? -Getting a job -Not rocking the boat -Not trying too hard to “find yourself” -Respecting your community, your family, your legacy, your culture -Being grateful and contributing -Being hard-working, diligent, useful and helpful …
Why It “Feels Like It Was Yesterday”
Yesterday, or last year, or 10 years ago — you had a VISION of something you would ONE DAY do One day meant next day or next month or next year You did not do it You are no longer going to do it Likely it’s not even possible to do it now, 10 years …
Outcomes vs Methods, Imitation vs Realness
There’s the OUTCOME you want to attain. And there’s HOW you attain that outcome. The OUTCOME is concrete . But the “HOW” is more vague The “HOW” is sometimes clear and sometimes utterly obscure, and usually partly clear and partly obscure. To get the OUTCOME you are looking for the “HOW”. You follow, IMITATE …
HUMAN’s condition is a balance of: –STRESS, TENSION, and release –EFFORT , ENERGY (level) -joys and pleasures and WELLNESS and fulfilment Besides your long term goals — it’s IMPERATIVE you maintain yourself in GOOD CONDITION — by matching those NEEDS -if you don’t — you’ll quickly hate your life +you’ll CRACK in your pursuits …
You want to be self-sceptical “You should be sceptical about your own beliefs” This is absolutely basic and has been talked of over and over again You should be sceptical not just of your beliefs. That is easy. You should be sceptical of every THOUGHT which emerges in you And you should be …