You can only comprehend so much elevation If it’s too good — it’s too alien And it’s too threatening There are some good reasons why “too good” should be viewed with scepticism: -What if it’s too good to be true? -What if you are being duped? -What if there’s a good reason why this …
Tag: Psychology
Multithreading (And Learning How To Think)
Multithreading teaches you about all successful reasoning, single-threading or multi-threading the same. Successful reasoning is the same as successful travelling — it’s about successfully efficiently steadily getting from point A to point Z. A single thread has the purpose of going from point A to Z. Running multiple threads simultaneously means you’re getting multiple …
Humans have many explicit AND IMPLICIT ways in which they communicate Likewise humans have different kinds of relationships (with closer relationships typically necessitating superior communication) The absolute fundamentals of communication are deeply wired: -you convey your feelings with your bearing -and others can feel how you feel -and human can always SENSE their place …
Noble Escapes Are Still Escapes
Consider what it truly means to “use something as an escape” To use something for a specific purpose is to NOT use it for a different purpose, E.g. you could use an axe to chop down a tree and build yourself a wooden house — or you could use an axe to chop someone’s fucking …
There’s energy and there’s resistance. There’s your physical energy. You can have more of it or less of it. We can argue all day about you being able to access more energy and do more, But there’s no denying the existence of physical energy One day you’ll have less of it, and eventually you’ll …
You’re CLUELESS About Risk Management
We all have some innate sense of risk-management. E.g. FEAR. And then we also have plenty learned methods of risk management. E.g. DIVERSIFICATION Alas we keep failing our “risk-management” in the modern world FEAR fails most of the time because most our modern “threats” are NOT mortal. Therefore you actually SHOULD take more …
You’re Doing The Stress Wrong
You’re doing the stress wrong Your muscles do the stress right: -muscle is stressed -it adapts (by growing and/or becoming stronger) -it is now more adapted to handle that stressor You make one of the two mistakes with how you work with stress: -you don’t stress yourself appropriately -or you don’t adapt …
About Childishness
I see a lot of adult children, childish I asked myself what is childishness? (I wrote about maturity previously: “About maturity”) A childish child: -doesn’t have responsibilities -lacks experience -lacks self-awareness (I suppose it’s a function of lacking experience) -doesn’t “fit in” (which is neither innately good nor bad. There is “good abnormal” …
Weight of Problems, One’s Strength, and Evil
Men have problems. Problem is not just something that is causing you obvious hassle at the moment. Problem can be something that is causing you anxiety at mere thought of, even something you’re not even aware of. You don’t have to be consciously aware of something for it to trouble you, poison you, Depending …
Boast Is Insecurity
Boast is insecurity. Anything boastful that is not a neutral, pertinent statement of facts — is INSECURITY. What does a boast communicate? Why does one boast? What is achieved? To boast, to promote = to communicate value of something. When do we communicate something in the first place? When it’s NOT OBVIOUS. Therefore it’s …