Below’s a janky and inconclusive rant trying to answer if reality is happy or unhappy. No answers, only questions: happiness / suffering and reality are independent or are they? what I’m saying is, existential truth is part of THE truth, the truth about reality, but in the same time existential truth is vastly …
Tag: Purpose
We Domesticate Impermanence by Clinging to Vestiges
We domesticate impermanence by clinging to any vestige of what once was. Everything changes, nothing lasts And even if something lasts — your perception of it changes. You change The only thing that “lasts” is that which is beyond you. It’s beyond you therefore you can’t get hold of it — it …
VALUE Is What You PAID For It
It doesn’t have value unless you paid for it “PAY” doesn’t merely mean money, though it could be money Your attention, your time, are more valuable You pay with your attention You pay with your time You pay with your energy You pay with your effort You pay with your attitude, care You …
Morality of Profiting at the Expense of Others
Should you profit at the expense of others? If others don’t matter — then it doesn’t matter if you profit at their expense or not. Just like it doesn’t matter if you satiate your culinary desires by eating succulent steak, at the expense of some cow But if you claim that others matter …
Adults Aren’t Mature, Just Stuck Up
Adults are not more mature and serious, They are only less cheerful and playful, more stuck up and fucking lame and uncool Kids are fun and mischievous and bubbly They are also inexperienced and irresponsible and unserious Most adults are inexperienced Life is vast Most man did fuck all Their experience is closer …
About Victim-Bias
Of course we have a victim bias If nothing else, it would result from empathy To live after death, we must pass on part of ourselves Our genes Or our ideas Both would require protecting some entity weaker than us, until they are strong enough to indeed carry on this part of us So we …
Is It Ok to Be a BITCH?
I always knew that being a BITCH was wrong Only my reasons were misguided Being a BITCH is not wrong because people will not like you or respect you (Caring about such things is ACTUALLY being a BITCH) Being a BITCH is wrong because it’s WEAK CONSCIOUSNESS And so are associated characteristics …
Individual is born fundamentally self-interested and rational Self-interest means interest means motivation. Motivation to benefit oneself. OPPORTUNITY is intrinsic to reality. If there is an idea, a desire, a WILL — then there exists an opportunity to realise that idea, from the essentially infinite realm of possible possibilities and unknown unknowns The above is …
Intelligence Is Inseparable From Action Is Inseparable From Will
Let’s define intelligence in terms of cause and tangible effect It doesn’t have to be perfect cause and effect The point is that we get an effect at the end — which can be measured — and which adheres to the previous intentions This would be intelligence Let’s NOT define intelligence as mere coherence …
The REAL Game Of Life
“To not improve is to deteriorate” “There’s no neutrality, you either improve or you deteriorate” No it’s not so simple When you’re going from points A to B — and point B is your goal, then getting closer to point B is considered an “improvement” and getting further away from point B is considered …