Consider what it truly means to “use something as an escape” To use something for a specific purpose is to NOT use it for a different purpose, E.g. you could use an axe to chop down a tree and build yourself a wooden house — or you could use an axe to chop someone’s fucking …
Tag: Purpose
There’s simplicity. Simple beauty of the things we readily find in this world. Simple beauty of a simple work, and it’s produce. There’s sophistication. Sophisticated beauty of the things we not so easily find in this world. Sophisticated beauty of a sophisticated work, and it’s sophisticated produce. Beauty obviously indicates value. Or more …
Create, Give, And Be Moral
You should create more and then give more. It is morally obligatory. In doing so you take good care of yourself, and appreciate the gift of life — which is morally obligatory. In doing so you contribute to the world, making it a better place — which is morally obligatory. Why is it morally …
Don’t Find Yourself In The Wrong Pursuit
You are only what you did today. Only what you tangibly improved today matters. Only what you tangibly improved today is real. You are only defined by what you tangibly did better today. You are only worthy if you were worthy today. Only good if you were good today. Not yesterday, and NOT tomorrow. I’ve …
Commitment, Energy, Momentum, Resistance: how one moves
-Commitment is like a map, or like a plan, or like a guide. It’s the axis on which the momentum will be applied. -Momentum is like momentum — it’s the movement at certain velocity in certain direction — and the greater momentum the easier it is to sustain it and the harder it is to …
Energy Just Is: Find More Energy
Energy just is Energy just is I don’t know how much energy is available to a single human. What if it’s unlimited? A single human could grab a lot of fucking solar panels and batteries and hoard fucking energy, Sun just is and it fucking soaks us in energy. What if it’s the same …
Is World Competition or Cooperation?
You can compete or you can cooperate. You can look at the world and see competition — or you can look at the world and see cooperation. To see the world as competition is called “competitive frame”. To see the world as cooperation is called “collaborative frame”. The world can be competitive or the …
Quality vs Utility
There’s quality, and there’s impact, utility. The two are rarely synonymous. Quality is more of an ideal, idea, concept, Doesn’t mean it’s abstract, it could be real, tangible, But it is not necessarily scalable, Therefore utility is limited Therefore it’s impact is limited It’s immediate impact is limited. It’s long term impact could …
Competition Is A Lie
Competition is a lie. Saying “I had competition” is identical to saying “it’s not my fault”. Which is identical to not taking responsibility. “Zero-sum-games” are a lie too. Games in which you gain at the expense of others are no games worth playing. Might as well not exist. Games in which there’s a hierarchy, …
What If I Murdered You
What if i murdered you if you didn’t do your best today you know there are things you want and do and there are things you say you want, some of the things you say you want you couldn’t even do – and you’re just saying you want to do them as a little …