Competition is a lie. Saying “I had competition” is identical to saying “it’s not my fault”. Which is identical to not taking responsibility. “Zero-sum-games” are a lie too. Games in which you gain at the expense of others are no games worth playing. Might as well not exist. Games in which there’s a hierarchy, …
Tag: Purpose
What If I Murdered You
What if i murdered you if you didn’t do your best today you know there are things you want and do and there are things you say you want, some of the things you say you want you couldn’t even do – and you’re just saying you want to do them as a little …
Modes of Having
PAINFUL NOT-HAVING < HAVING = NOT NEEDING (not not-having, not needing) < NOT NEEDING and NOT HAVING and LOVING < NOT NEEDING and HAVING and LOVING PAINFUL NOT-HAVING When you NEED something and don’t have it — it is painful. If you truly need it — then it’s literally painful. It makes your life …
Winning The Game of Life-Living
There’s life living There’s being human There are different dimensions to being human, different dimensions to life living, different dimensions to existing I believe potential is to be realized And I do believe it is innate to attempt to realize that potential I believe we are born with an innate desire to live, to …
True Growth vs False Enhancement vs Cynicism
You’re ugly and imperfect and ordinary There exist better being than you Their mere existence threatens you. Don’t deny it because it’s not a subject for a dispute. If they join your environment — they join ABOVE YOU in the hierarchy — therefore you get demoted in the hierarchy. Therefore you lose (that collectively we …
You Don’t Know Improvement (Unless You Improve Yourself)
You don’t know the “IMPROVEMENT” You think you know, but you don’t There’s not much you know BEFORE YOU TRIED IT, TESTED IT Few things are knowable a priori And the more complex the matter — the more testing it requires The greater the scale — the more testing it requires, And some matters …
Creativity Is Impossible to Replace
Creativity is impossible to replace Creativity is impossible to solve Creativity is impossible to obsolete Creativity is the unravelling of the new Creativity unravels the new, creates something new, births something new Once it’s created — it’s NO LONGER new, Now it’s old. It was new BEFORE it existed. It was UNKNOWN before it …
It’s Only Effortless After Effort
There exist those dichotomies: doing vs being passive income vs active income scaling vs hourly profit hard work vs passion right way vs hard way effort vs effortlessness, wu wei let’s examine you can always do something better (or faster) you can always scale something, do more of something you can always learn more, …
Desperate to Feel That You’re “Good”
We want to feel that we’re “good”, We want to believe in something We want someone or something to lead us Used to be god to tell us what is right and wrong Priest telling us what to believe in Telling us what to do Used to be god or priest or your “love …
I Win
You can be better than me You can beat me, win over me The whole world can beat me, win over me I don’t give a fuck It only matters that I WIN And then it only matters that the rest of the world wins I can be the worst in the world, It …