Its not just that healing the symptoms is not healing the causes — but that healing symptoms precludes healing causes, by making the problem invisible Healing the symptoms doesn’t just fail to address the problem — it actually makes it worse Therefore you should altogether avoid addressing symptoms or numbing yourself or distracting Because then …
Tag: Reality
You Delude You
Nothing can delude you but yourself — and once you’ve gotten over self-delusion — you’ve gotten over ALL delusion. World can’t delude you. World can only REVEAL to you. Or not reveal. But only you can delude you. World is very complicated and men are very misleading because you are very hopeful and …
Simple Action, Direct Experience
Firsthand experience makes stronger impression. Some things you’ll never grasp unless you’ve experienced them. It’s often impossible to get unstuck without getting one’s hands dirty. The subconscious pulls us back, as we wonder why we’re stuck, We only get unstuck once we believe, truly believe, that something is possible The subconscious doesn’t …
Idealisation Is Escapism
Idealisation is escapism There’s nothing “ideal” about idealisation. It’s simply avoidance of reality. There’s nothing ideal about idealisation. Nothing aesthetic about it. Reality is all there is and is therefore perfect. Idealisation is escapism and nothing else. CREATION has nothing to do with idealisation. What is ever created — future or past — …
Opinions Are Mere Remnants Of The Inquiry
Yes, you are entitled to your stupid fucking opinion It’s just that nobody is compelled to listen to it And since it’s stupid — nobody will Nobody will listen to your stupid opinion but a stupid fool like yourself See where I’m getting now? Validation and consensus are not signs of validity and worth …
Give Up Hope
You should give up You should literally give up. Give up hope. LET GO of hope. Do you need hope…? Hope has positive connotation in our culture. But is hope positive? Is hope positive? What is hope? What different is hope to desire? Why do you need hope? Doesn’t hope imply becoming? Imply your hope …
Appereances Are Not Really Shallow
Appearances are not really shallow It’s your perception which is shallow Your perception is shallow and incomplete You don’t truly see the person, or the thing To make things worse — you see your own projections, your own mirages Your preconception about the person, about the thing, is the very definition of …
True Vision
Lasting vision is truly just a prison No one who CHANGES has a lasting vision No one who is concerned with what is real can abide to a lasting vision What is vision? Doesn’t vision imply SEEING? Is seeing a fixed state — or is it an endless process? Vision is seeing. One SEES …
Beyond Entitlement
We collectively have an idea of What-One-Deserves, formed a posteriori. It’s an *OBSERVATION* It is thus not supposed to have predictive power. EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU DESERVE, OR DON’T DESERVE, IS A LIE. Do you deserve the sun? Do you deserve a lambo? Do you deserve a horse? Do you deserve to …
Old Age And Truth
Hoping there’s something glorifying about old age and edifying is as dangerous a belief as it is delusional. One only becomes more godly with age because one finally starts giving though to one’s obviously imminent death. Most men learn nothing from their experiences. So there goes the wisdom-with-experience argument. Confusing exoteric with …