Lifestyle Philosophy

Will To Change = Know The Price

One’s willingness to change is measured in how much one is willing to PAY, to GIVE (to make that change).   The idea of “no excuses”, or conversely of “Excuses” — are both meaningless. They say absolutely nothing about how much you’re willing to pay “No excuses” is an outright lie. Are you willing to …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality World

BOTH Optimistic And Pessimistic

I spoke against optimism in place of realism. I spoke against scepticism in place of possibility, which is just pessimism and defeatism. I spoke for philosophically fundamentally positive attitude to existence I also spoke for seeing more “negative” as your perception improves   I want to once again stress it, if it’s not yet clear: …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Explaining vs Knowing

There’s explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge Explicit knowledge is knowledge which can be readily passed, written down, coded, recorder, verbalised, conveyed… Implicit knowledge is knowledge which is difficult to convey, difficult to teach, and often difficult even to be aware of (e.g. try writing instructions on how to WALK properly, as a human being, or …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Noble Escapes Are Still Escapes

Consider what it truly means to “use something as an escape” To use something for a specific purpose is to NOT use it for a different purpose, E.g. you could use an axe to chop down a tree and build yourself a wooden house — or you could use an axe to chop someone’s fucking …

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Realness is truth is elevating   Untruth, unreal — is how you get stuck The map you use matches the reality — or not You can get away with imprecise map up to a certain point. You will get somewhere. But eventually you get stuck Your map is a lie — therefore it doesn’t take …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

Don’t Find Yourself In The Wrong Pursuit

You are only what you did today. Only what you tangibly improved today matters. Only what you tangibly improved today is real. You are only defined by what you tangibly did better today. You are only worthy if you were worthy today. Only good if you were good today. Not yesterday, and NOT tomorrow. I’ve …

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Understanding Understanding (Labels)

-Variety, diversity means that objects have different properties. E.g. a cat has fur, it purrs, and is cute. Whereas a tree has leaves, a trunk, branches, and grows big -Existence of variety doesn’t preclude existence of a degree of homogeneity. Two objects can have some different properties — and some similar properties -Thus between two …

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Lifestyle Philosophy


“More responsibility” means more responsibility. Therefore “more responsibility” does not mean the same amount of responsibility, and it obviously does not mean LESS responsibility.   What many do is they TRADE responsibilities, They will take more responsibility for one thing — and give up responsibility for something else -1+1 = 0. You didn’t take more …

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Lifestyle Spirituality

Love Your Life and Revile Your Plans

The contrived notion is that you should hustle so hard that you hate your life, then critically look in the mirror and still not be satisfied “no pain no gain” , “tough love”, etc But that your wonderful future, and your wonderful purpose, and your wonderful drive make it all sweet! That you feel SO …

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