You likely didn’t upset that person. They were upset to begin with. It’s very easy to upset a faceless stranger. It’s very easy to impress a stranger. You don’t want to impress random strangers. You don’t want to cater to the mob. You don’t want to make it happy. Make your loved ones …
Tag: Relations
Have Standards Not For Standards But What It Communicates
Holding oneself to high standards derives even more benefits from the high quality connections you attract then from the standards themselves There’s a good point to be made against fussy thoroughness or undeviating forthrightness But there’s a better point to be made for them when you take into account the kind of people that …
Appereances Are Not Really Shallow
Appearances are not really shallow It’s your perception which is shallow Your perception is shallow and incomplete You don’t truly see the person, or the thing To make things worse — you see your own projections, your own mirages Your preconception about the person, about the thing, is the very definition of …
Goodness is Simple
Goodness is simple You have a person in front of you How do you treat that person? Are you making that person happy? Are you making that person smile? Are you helping that person? Are you benefiting that person? Are you leaving that person better than you found them? Or is it the opposite? …
How Can You Be Human If…
How can you be human if you’re a success a career an idea a place a religion a number first ? Every notion is separating Anytime you think you are something more then human you cease being human And then you are lost And then you are alone And then you don’t …
The fact that so few are accountable makes one wonder if one even knows the meaning of ACCOUNTABILITY Let me explain There are two ways of doing something. OPTIMAL and NOT OPTIMAL The difference between the optimal and not optimal is often ambiguous. Particularly in creative acts. It is also often NOT …
Meet People to Know People
Meet people to know people. Don’t overthink don’t over-analyse, Meet more people to more understand people. Meeting people is an experience like every other. One becomes experienced by meeting people. Experience engenders better judgement, better understanding. Interpersonal understanding is not expanded with thought, analysis, systems, ideas… Interpersonal understanding is expanded with experience. …
No One Really Gets Away With Anything
No one really gets away with anything. The wrongdoer is not coming from a happy place. The wrongdoer is already coming from a place of dissatisfaction, fear and strife. It’s a dark place to be — and it’s only getting darker. Should you really ever be upset with anybody? Can’t you …
I Don’t Believe In Hard Work But I Do Believe In Love
I don’t believe in hard work but I do believe in love. “Hard” implies hardship. I don’t invite hardship to my short life. I don’t invite more hardship to this tormented world. And I definitely don’t believe HARDSHIP anyhow aids Creation. Love aids creation. Love brings life into this world, and love …
The Real Cause of Disagreement
The ultimate cause of disagreement is our unreadiness for agreement We don’t really want peace. We don’t really want consensus. What we want is to be LARGE. Larger then our neighbour, larger then our brother, larger then our lover. The absurdity of most conflicts doesn’t as much point at our stupidity as it …