
Alienating “Good” Impression

I wonder if some people never realise how their desperation to make a good impression only makes them twice as alienating.   Forthrightness goes such a long way — often in ways we can’t explain but know to be true.   If you know someone who tries a little bit too hard — be forthright …

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Philosophy Spirituality

REAL Social Justice

  Our society is not perfect. It’s a fact. There are many societal problems which I won’t even state. I imagine you have your own problems with society. Now, how do you go about those problems?   We, humans, have an unfortunate tendency to identify. We identify with things. What we identify with – we …

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Don’t Be More Attractive – Be More Loving

You think the way you interact with people is “normal”. You think changing your default behaviour is “not being real”, or “unnatural”, perhaps. The way you interact with people is not normal. The way you create relationships is not normal. It is not normal and it is not natural.   You are a victim of …

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Directness Is a SUPERPOWER

Directness really IS a superpower. For it really only comes with self-acceptance, self-understanding, self love, self reliability… After a lifetime of self-denial, repression, compliance, obedience, self-sacrifice, trusting others with your happiness and self-worth — directness truly IS a superpower. …for when you finally say what you think — you are that much closer to DOING …

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NEVER justify yourself to ANYONE

 NEVER justify yourself to anyone. Never ever. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. You don’t owe anyone anything.   When you are genuine — there is nothing more that you have to do. When you are genuine, when you are simple, when you speak your mind, when you don’t look to manipulate people — there …

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To Approach The World Empty

You are nothing which becomes something, when in relationship with the world. If you embrace (accept) that you are nothing — you are free to be anything, yet unattached! If you think you are something – the world will be a constant disappointment and grief – for it will never validate your image of yourself. …

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Philosophy Spirituality

To Respect is to Not Respect

If you need a reason to respect yourself — you don’t respect yourself. If there is a condition under which you respect yourself — you don’t respect yourself. If you create a condition under which you respect yourself, you are creating a condition under which you don’t respect yourself. If you create a condition under …

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Interpersonal Relations Heuristics

Interpersonal Relations Heuristics: 1) Be positive 2) Be genuine 3) Give value then 4) Treat everyone the same but keep ONLY the FEW of your CHOOSING     Be positive — unless you are positive you are negative. When you are negative you make others negative. It doesn’t matter who you are and what you …

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You Can Tell The Exact Moment People Refuse To Listen

Some people are great listeners. Some people are great conversationalists. And some people are just great.   Most people are bad listeners. Most people are dull conversationalists. Most people are pretty boring too. How not to be boring, when you spend your whole life doing boring things in a boring place with boring people… yeah …

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