PERSONAL is spontaneous and fathomless . BUSINESS is specific and focused. (BUSINESS, or “GOAL ORIENTATION”) I believe the key PRINCIPLES to follow in one’s PERSONAL EXPRESSION, PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: –INDIVIDUALITY and (personal) CONGRUENCE -SPONTANEITY and EXPLORATION –MINIMALISM and RESERVATION and MYSTERIOUSNESS I believe in BUSINESS it’s mostly the opposite: -NOT about you but about …
Tag: Relations
Social Cohesion, Social Media, Societal Self-Regulation
Every relationship is founded on mutual benefit How different or similar we are, how in love with each other or how disgusted with one another — makes no matter. As long as there’s a common ground of mutual benefit — there is a RELATIONSHIP Society is a relationship as well It’s more people connected in …
To Judge or Not To Judge (#2)
I have previously written on the subject, from a more spiritual perspective: To Judge or Not To Judge Today I take on the subject more pragmatically and simply Judgement is innately divisive. You use some criterion to divide objects into different categories, including categories of desirability, value. Of course one would judge. The …
Too Busy For Anything Less (Than Love)
First you give love to yourself Then give love to others THIS is the formula Formula to what? To every time you feel anything less than love Anything less than love is not exactly ideal, is it Anger is not fun Resentment is not fun Greed is not fun Need is not fun …
Nothing has meaning without context. Everything is relative. If everything is dark than nothing is dark. Dark is only dark next to light. Half of what we say is lost before we even said it Because we simply utter it in the wrong context If you talk about dark in utter darkness — …
Love Your Enemy
Love your enemy What does it mean? It means that everyone is, at least in part, LOVE-ly Everyone is in part LOVE-LY, LOVE-ABLE In worst case scenario you merely say “no thanks” You walk away from them (Perhaps you run away from them) But that’s the worst case scenario — and it’s NEUTRAL It’s …
About Building From The Common Ground
You say A and I say B You say that it’s A and NOT B I Say that it’s the opposite — it’s B and NOT A. A is wrong. B is right. You say it’s the opposite. I say you’re misinformed You say I’m biased I say you’re irrational You say I lack the …
Humans have many explicit AND IMPLICIT ways in which they communicate Likewise humans have different kinds of relationships (with closer relationships typically necessitating superior communication) The absolute fundamentals of communication are deeply wired: -you convey your feelings with your bearing -and others can feel how you feel -and human can always SENSE their place …
Boast Is Insecurity
Boast is insecurity. Anything boastful that is not a neutral, pertinent statement of facts — is INSECURITY. What does a boast communicate? Why does one boast? What is achieved? To boast, to promote = to communicate value of something. When do we communicate something in the first place? When it’s NOT OBVIOUS. Therefore it’s …
There’s the perverse pleasure of “SHOWING THEM”. It comprises of two elements: -revealing the truth to someone -then GLOATING over it however If you truly want to “SHOW” them, literally — you must take them up. you can only show them what you see from the TOP of the mountain once you TOOK them …