Philosophy World

Too Good To Be True

“It’s too good to be true” No, not necessarily   There’s what you know is possible There’s what you know is not possible And there’s what you don’t know is possible   That which you don’t know if it’s possible — that will elude your imagination You’ll say it’s “too good to be true”, or …

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Lifestyle Philosophy World

Don’t Be Sceptical — Be NAIVE

In life-living : you want to be NAIVE. You don’t want to be cynical. You don’t even want to be sceptical Of course you don’t want to be too naive. You don’t want to hit an absorbing barrier: you don’t want to die, you don’t want to go broke, you don’t want to damage your …

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Deal-breakers are not irrelevant. Deal-breakers are deal-breakers   If you ignore deal-breakers now — your deal will fail later — and with extra damage.   Advantage and disadvantage don’t cancel each other out. Option with disadvantages obviously, invariably, inevitably, DOES HAVE disadvantages. Regardless of the advantages otherwise.   Merit and fault don’t cancel each other …

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