Lifestyle Philosophy World

Create, Give, And Be Moral

You should create more and then give more. It is morally obligatory. In doing so you take good care of yourself, and appreciate the gift of life — which is morally obligatory. In doing so you contribute to the world, making it a better place — which is morally obligatory.   Why is it morally …

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Lifestyle World

Giving Value Is a Cheat Code

Giving value is a cheat code   You can be morally a scum But if you give enough value — people will bear with you People will IDEALISE you They will overlook your flaws You will still be a scum. A single good deed, or 1000 good deeds, don’t wash out a bad one, not …

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How to Talk to Someone (Listen and Speak, ACTUALLY)

TALKING TO SOMEONE IS: -You LEARNING from me and/or me learning from you -YOU experiencing me and/or me experiencing you   FUCK “listening”: You know whose the best “listener”? A fucking tree. The TRUE art of listening is UNDERSTANDING what other person is saying — and RELATING to it. RELATING which means COMMUNICATING your UNDERSTANDING …

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Speak More (Honestly), Speak Less (Nonsense)

Writing and talking is so much fun that the temptation to talk and write without having anything to say can sometimes take hold   Do you always need to have something to say? Sometimes you only learn you had something to say once you started talking   So on one hand we have the meaningless …

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Philosophy Spirituality

Give The Truth (And How)

There’s what you think There are those around you There’s care you have for them There’s what you understand about them There’s what you don’t understand about them There’s what you don’t understand There’s what you want from them   It’s all conflicted isn’t it? You believe one thing, They believe another thing, The truth …

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Spirituality World

At The End You Have No Edge

at the end you have no edge no advantage, no superiority   you start from nothing you don’t yet walk don’t yet talk we all start from nothing, truly   you start from nothing you have no advantage yet, you’re no one, nothing   then you gain your advantage you get lucky you do things …

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Philosophy World

Making Fun Of — NOT Allowed

What you can’t make fun of is what you can’t speak of, is what you can’t think of There’s a terrible oppression concealed behind the veneer of an enlightened, “tolerant” society Tolerance and equality are the yokes of XXI century Misunderstood and subverted ideals to push political agendas and alleviate moral qualms and some of …

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If you have anything to share, share it now

If you have an idea – share it. If you’re an artist – share it. If you have much stuff – share it. If you’re in love – share it. If you’re tired of it – share it. And if you’re a just fuckin scum – share it too!   Share yourself. Men never share. …

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