(By WEST — we mean Western values, enlightenment values, liberal democracy) West hating West is like VEGANS hating plant food Imagine a vegan only eating in restaurants, and only eating in vegan restaurants Except he HATES the vegan restaurants in this town He thinks the plants there are TOO sentient He thinks they …
Tag: Society
How You’re Brainwashed Into False Scepticism
Want the easiest trick in the fucking book? Tell someone that ONLY YOU KNOW THE TRUTH, and EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG, or LYING, Then tell them “THE TRUTH” ! ta-da look I wrote about the psychology behind it: “The Opposite Of Wrong Is Not True “ “What Really Happens When You Reject The Authority” …
Fair means it conforms to certain rules: whether agreed as a community — or at least internally consistent and transparent. Unfair means the opposite: it breaks the rules. Whether it’s rules decided as a community, or even any consistent and complete set of rules. Random means it neither breaks the rules nor is explained by …
Everyone You Know Is An Idiot
Everyone you know is an idiot You just don’t know it yet Everyone you know believes something that, if you knew they believed it — you would have thought they were idiots If not that then Everyone you know, if put in a new situation, with new problem to solve, REAL new …
Cool vs Uncool
being “based”, saying what you think, and NOT being afraid of offending others = super cool offending others is uncool, lame, insecure it’s just like BEING COOL, vs TRYING TO LOOK COOL, you know? trying to “say a funny thing”, or “look strong”, or hint at your HIGH VALUE — that’s uncool as fuck, …
About Offending People
Being offensive is some of the most misunderstood subjects today A kind of confusion of true individuality and personal strength — with mere appearance of the irreverent badass, so strong so as to not have to worry about anyone’s opinion, or love I wrote about it here: Politeness vs Bluntness vs Hostile There’s offending …
Emotionality Explains The World Even More Than I Thought
We understand that we are emotional We understand that we get upset, get angry, get sad, get scared — and make subpar decisions under that influence I still think we FAIL to fully appreciate JUST HOW MUCH we are driven by EMOTIONS And just how much the WORLD is driven by emotions And how …
COMPARISON as a Useful Model
Comparison, metaphor — is like a model of a thing The purpose of a model is to represent something Model is of course NOT the thing itself It is but it’s representation It omits certain aspects of it — and represents other aspects In having a copy: theoretical or scaled down or whatever — …
Absolute vs Relative Truth (In PRACTICAL Terms)
Let’s NOT go down the rabbit hole of how to DEFINE TRUTH, what IS TRUTH, etc, Let’s try to practically unpack the problem of truth Practically would entail utility, practical usefulness We could thus define truth as THAT WHICH WORKS This is good for start Enough to get us amazing tech Enough to …
Appeal To Moderation
Appeal to moderation is less stupid than it looks For the simple reason that moderation is so fucking hard Appeal to moderation is logical fallacy — in which it is assumed that the truth must surely lie in the middle, between two opposites It’s fallacious in that the truth doesn’t always lie in the …