Life is action You act — you get result — you extract information from that result, which is your feedback Then you act again Life is this unending cycle of action and information By getting better information you (can) choose better action This process is called discrimination Discrimination is an innately and completely …
Tag: Society
Nothing’s NOT Real In The Age Of Internet
Nothing’s NOT real in the age of internet You can find proof for anything in the age of internet See what internet provided is global connectivity But it’s more then that: it’s EASY connectivity And flexible connectivity The larger the number of people connected — the greater probability of finding someone just …
Don’t Let The Loser Succeed
I don’t want the loser to succeed What does it mean when a loser succeeds? It means we did something wrong Loser can succeed if he turns himself into a winner. I.e. if he becomes competent If a loser succeeds — if an incompetent person succeeds — then what does it say about your …
Not Below You
I wrote that no work is below you No subject is below you either If you think someone’s reasoning and argumentation is stupid — then prove it by refuting it I’m not saying it’s not stupid But it’s very difficult to prove it And it reveals to you your own intellectual pretentiousness You …
Social Capital
The very first step to building your social capital is realising the value of social resources Once that is understood — the rest is straight-forward The rest is straight-forward: —you gather valuable resources —you offer your own resources in exchange (nothing’s free) When you don’t understand the value of social resources — …
Is Complaining the Best Use of My Time?
Old adage that COMPLAINING DOESN’T HELP seems lost on our valiant defenders of poor minorities, poor planet earth and poor oppressed I neither agree with theirs complaints nor disagree I just think complaining is not the best use of my time There’s no time for nonsense While you’re there constructing your brilliant argument …
Subjectivity > Objectivity
We have ideas about how good something is and how attractive and how desirable This car is more premium then that car This career is more lucrative then that career This girl is more attractive then that girl This lifestyle is more desirable then that lifestyle This food is more healthy then that food This …
The Paradox of Criticism
There’s the critic, the criticised, and the criticism The subject of the criticism is the criticised The subject of the criticism is not the critic isn’t it ironic? we go about criticising people and things pretending we have higher values in mind really just trying to assert ourselves and yet we fail at that …
Either Say Nothing or Say What’s on Your Mind
Either say nothing or say whatever’s on your mind this is not trivial mind you Either say nothing and don’t prattle stupid nonsense and make small-talk or say EXACTLY what’s on your mind — and convey yourself Don’t say nothing polite Don’t say nothing ingratiating Don’t say nothing friendly Say nothing or say something …
Each level has it’s KINGS Each societal echelon chooses their own king (rulers) The choice is made by giving him attention There are men who like to talk about money and they have their king — some dude that talks to them about the money There are men who like to criticise everything, …