There’s the entirety of your psyche: what you want, what you like, what you do, what drives you, etc It’s your thoughts and feelings and actions You feel more or less comfortable with revealing this PSYCHE of yours We tend to feel the most comfortable with our actions — since everyone can see them …
Tag: Strength
How To Traumatise, How To Not Traumatise
TRUE TRAUMA is when you are completely convinced of being INNATELY, DEEPLY, IDENTITY-LEVEL … DAMAGED Conversely if you’re NOT convinced — then you don’t care The likelihood of you being CONVINCED is proportional to your EXPERIENCE (confidence) in the subject -e.g. if you otherwise know NOTHING BUT SUCCESS — some idiot won’t immediately convince …
If You Can’t Own Who You Are Then How Could You Get What You Want?
If you can’t own who you are, then how could you own what you like? and then how could you GET what you WANT, get what you LIKE? Where do you draw the line? Where does self-consciousness start? Does it start with your vulnerabilities? Where do you begin to feel ashamed? What would you …
Supply and Demand of Your Psyche
The law of supply states that as demand raises — supply will also raise Could we hypothesise that similar principle could govern one’s soul? =The more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it CETERIS PARIBUS the more one wants something — the more one strives to obtain it. Assuming no …
Individual is born fundamentally self-interested and rational Self-interest means interest means motivation. Motivation to benefit oneself. OPPORTUNITY is intrinsic to reality. If there is an idea, a desire, a WILL — then there exists an opportunity to realise that idea, from the essentially infinite realm of possible possibilities and unknown unknowns The above is …
Challenges, Strength, Confidence
At any given time of your life you face challenges Challenge, of course, is only a challenge if it challenges you For some breathing is a challenge For others conquering the world is a challenge And for some breathing is not a challenge And for some conquering the world is NOT a challenge Challenge …
Weight of Problems, One’s Strength, and Evil
Men have problems. Problem is not just something that is causing you obvious hassle at the moment. Problem can be something that is causing you anxiety at mere thought of, even something you’re not even aware of. You don’t have to be consciously aware of something for it to trouble you, poison you, Depending …
The Falsely Humble, the Deluded Arrogant, and the Problem of Growth
-There’s what you say -There’s whether it’s true or not -There’s whether other’s find it true or not -The definition of arrogance is being very wrong when you say you’re very right -Therefore if others think you’re very wrong, and you are very confident that you’re right (and reveal it) — you are dubbed arrogant …
Solvable and Unsolvable Problems, Overcoming
There are problems you solve — and there are problems you consistently fail to solve. What characterises problems you consistently fail to solve? -Too big and complex for you to even get going. Barrier of entry, barrier to even starting to make a change is too steep -“Simple but not easy”: hidden layers of …
You Can’t NOT Pick Side (And Can’t Avoid Conflict)
There’s knowable and there’s unknowable. Then there’s whether you think it’s knowable or unknowable — whether you think it’s known or not known. When you think it’s knowable and that you know it — you are confident — and confidently take a strong position. But what do you do when it’s unknowable — and you …