Life is tension Tension between life and death To be or not to be Tension between being and not being One day you are — next day you are not Life is tension One day you’re “good enough” — next day you’re rejected The wisdom is not in convincing yourself that you are indeed …
Tag: Stress
If You’re Pushing Yourself, You Should Get Some “NEGATIVITY”
If you’re PUSHING, of course the WORLD/REALITY push back The WORLD: -your hitherto world is not BUILD for the new world you’re creating, it has to be broken down e.g. past people have to be removed –places have to be changed –old habits are now inefficiencies and vulnerabilities, you need new habits -to ADD something …
HUMAN’s condition is a balance of: –STRESS, TENSION, and release –EFFORT , ENERGY (level) -joys and pleasures and WELLNESS and fulfilment Besides your long term goals — it’s IMPERATIVE you maintain yourself in GOOD CONDITION — by matching those NEEDS -if you don’t — you’ll quickly hate your life +you’ll CRACK in your pursuits …
You’re Doing The Stress Wrong
You’re doing the stress wrong Your muscles do the stress right: -muscle is stressed -it adapts (by growing and/or becoming stronger) -it is now more adapted to handle that stressor You make one of the two mistakes with how you work with stress: -you don’t stress yourself appropriately -or you don’t adapt …