Always take either FULL responsibility — or NONE. If something matters — you take responsibility. You personally make sure that it succeeds. Because you care, because it matters If something doesn’t matter, if something is not so important — then you don’t have to take responsibility You can dabble There’s nothing wrong with …
Tag: Success
100x Man
Let’s talk about inequality You think it’s unfair that he has 100x what you have You think that system is evil Or that he is evil Or in the best case: that this is just a bug in the system That 10x is maybe sensible, but not 100x The only bug in the system …
Knowing a Formula — vs Actually APPLYING It
When you were in school, on your mathematics classes, you would learn a formula And then you had to apply this formula to solve a problem Knowing the formula was sufficient to solve the problem But it DIDN’T YET solve the problem You still had to apply this formula And that you had to …
What Improvement Actually Means
Every single thing around you could be improved (Or, if it’s already perfect — it can still be changed, be made different) Every single thing around you can be improved It requires intent, Then realisation of that intent, There is a degree of exertion There is a movement of resources There is a change …
Look Back And Change For The Worse?
if you were to look back at your life, and think of an improvement would you choose to be more lazy more stupid, more mediocre ? obviously not would you choose to have less? to have things in lower quality? to have things inferior? ? obviously not now, would you choose to be …
Outcomes vs Methods, Imitation vs Realness
There’s the OUTCOME you want to attain. And there’s HOW you attain that outcome. The OUTCOME is concrete . But the “HOW” is more vague The “HOW” is sometimes clear and sometimes utterly obscure, and usually partly clear and partly obscure. To get the OUTCOME you are looking for the “HOW”. You follow, IMITATE …
What Shall Society Give You?
I know few man who can move themselves. Who can will their reality, will their action, will their mind — INDEPENDENTLY of the outside world. Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Most man are the product of outside forces acting upon them Therefore most man only get better if …
Bet on The Self-Improving
Bet on The Self-Improving Bet on the self-improving But only on the TRULY self-improving In general people don’t change. Therefore you want people already FITTING, already SUITABLE, already PERFECT. Yes you can teach them a thing or two — but you can’t expect them to change. Therefore you want them already changed, already …
We Underestimate Learning Ability, Overestimate Changing Capacity
We underestimate the extent to which we can learn. But we also overestimate the degree to which others can change. Intelligence makes you think faster, comprehend faster, learn faster. But if knowledge is fixed — then it makes no difference how fast you have learned it. Once you learned it — it’s learned. You …
Be More Imitative AND More Original
You should be more imitative AND more original How’s that possible? Isn’t it mutually exclusive? It’s possible if you’re poor at imitating It’s possible if you’re poor at being original It’s exactly what happens: You call it originality — but you’re just poor at imitating Or you call it imitating and “doing what …