Philosophy World

Quality vs Utility

There’s quality, and there’s impact, utility. The two are rarely synonymous.   Quality is more of an ideal, idea, concept, Doesn’t mean it’s abstract, it could be real, tangible, But it is not necessarily scalable, Therefore utility is limited Therefore it’s impact is limited It’s immediate impact is limited.   It’s long term impact could …

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Philosophy World

Competition Is A Lie

Competition is a lie. Saying “I had competition” is identical to saying “it’s not my fault”. Which is identical to not taking responsibility.   “Zero-sum-games” are a lie too. Games in which you gain at the expense of others are no games worth playing. Might as well not exist. Games in which there’s a hierarchy, …

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Lifestyle World

Social Expansion

Men want to obtain value and preserve value. Same is true in the social context: When interacting with the world — you want to OBTAIN VALUE and PRESERVE VALUE.   How do we go about it? By some time in our lives we develop some default STRATEGY: —one which usually errs on the side of …

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Lifestyle World

Mediocrity and Competence

Your boss is a mediocrity that is hopefully at least competent. Your employee is a mediocrity that will hopefully do what he’s told, and do it at an acceptable level. And whoever you wouldn’t employee is a mediocrity that is also useless, or even destructive.   There are great man out there of course, but …

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What If I Murdered You

What if i murdered you if you didn’t do your best today   you know there are things you want and do and there are things you say you want, some of the things you say you want you couldn’t even do – and you’re just saying you want to do them as a little …

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Lifestyle Philosophy

You Really Have No Time To Wait For Help

If you solve your problems IN SPITE OF RESISTANCE — then you solved your problems PERIOD (resistance or not) If you don’t solve your problems however — then there’s NO GUARANTEE they will ever be SOLVED — even if the resistance is alleviated   There is only now Right now you have a problem Right …

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Lifestyle Philosophy


What if you were paid for each time you found you were wrong? e.g. $1000 for finding something you were wrong about. another $1000 for finding something else you were wrong about. imagine you fell in love with saying “I WAS WRONG”   Can you imagine this making your life better? Your model of reality …

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Philosophy World

Assess Quality Via Negativa

What someone can’t do reveals more about their ability than what they can do   Anyone can do a whole lot of things Anyone can think they know a whole lot of things and think they can do a whole lot of things Anyone can talk big Anything looks easy until you’ve tried and failed …

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Lifestyle Philosophy Spirituality

Winning The Game of Life-Living

There’s life living There’s being human There are different dimensions to being human, different dimensions to life living, different dimensions to existing   I believe potential is to be realized And I do believe it is innate to attempt to realize that potential I believe we are born with an innate desire to live, to …

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