To NOT discriminate is to DISCRIMINATE. More precisely: to NOT discriminate fairly — is to discriminate either randomly or unfairly Discriminating unfairly is obviously unfair. And discriminating randomly is more fair than discriminating unfairly — but less fair than discriminating fairly. Let’s say you are an employee and you want a computer program written. …
Tag: Success
It’s Only Effortless After Effort
There exist those dichotomies: doing vs being passive income vs active income scaling vs hourly profit hard work vs passion right way vs hard way effort vs effortlessness, wu wei let’s examine you can always do something better (or faster) you can always scale something, do more of something you can always learn more, …
Play the PREDICTING Game
You come into this world and you live, You live, you act, you observe, You act and you observe your outcomes And you observe the world, And you learn You learn from observing the world and from observing the outcomes of your actions, Then you put those lessons to work, In repeat This is how …
About Success Advice
Avoid all “SUCCESS” advice, unless it’s: -extremely specific -or extremely broad what does it mean? Extremely specific means that it pertains to a very particular subject. Read a book “How to successfully change light bulb”. It will be a good book, with straight-forward process to achieve success at changing a light bulb. That’s better …
here’s the formula: o = outcome t = time r = resources = labour /capital / materials / etc. e = effectiveness o = e * r * t outcome = effectiveness * resources * time Your outcome is directly proportional to the resources you input, EFFECTIVENESS with which you do it, and time …
Play the Game of Life and Don’t Take It So Fucking Personally
You do things. You have problems. You do things and get results. You have problems and you work on them. You do things and get results, some are good results, some are less good; You have problems during your time on this planet: problems of existence, problem of daily-life, problems of wants and don’t-wants, …
I’m a Classist
I’m a classist I think man of higher class are superior to man of lower class It’s not the property of belonging to a class which makes them superior — it’s belonging to a class which causes, or caused them to become superior, be superior I.e. belonging to higher class pushes, or pushed them to …
You can’t be a half-leader. A half-leader can’t lead you. The job of the leader is making decisions. The job of the follower is following. If the follower doesn’t intend to follow — then he’s not a follower. The two of you can create a different kind of relationship: but it is not a …
“PRAGMATIC” gets bad reputation Some think it’s too cold, too practical, too calculated, too sterile, Some think it’s not creative, not imaginative, not interesting Nonsense When you want to be creative — you’re creative When you want to be fanciful — you’re fanciful When you want to have fun — you have fun When …
If Life Doesn’t Humble You…
If life doesn’t humble you then you’re not challenging yourself How does one grow prideful, arrogant? By thinking he’s doing (so) well When does one think he’s doing well? Usually one thinks he’s doing well AFTER he DID DO WELL, with something And this sense of “doing well”, sense of contentment about oneself, it …