There’s the known the logical, the understandable, the measurable, the objective, the rational, etc. And there’s the unknown, the inscrutable, the subjective, the irrational, etc Our idea of the world is obviously a blend of the two Concepts which are logical, which are coherent, which are sensible, Observations which suggest a generalisation with greater …
Tag: Truth
The 10% Bias
A common way of manipulating others and ourselves is “the 10% bias” I made up that name. I’m not familiar with similar bias, therefore I shall describe it here myself The 10% bias is when you let yourself be seduced by an extraordinary promise — under the excuse that “even if it’s only 10% …
Humans have many explicit AND IMPLICIT ways in which they communicate Likewise humans have different kinds of relationships (with closer relationships typically necessitating superior communication) The absolute fundamentals of communication are deeply wired: -you convey your feelings with your bearing -and others can feel how you feel -and human can always SENSE their place …
Realness is truth is elevating Untruth, unreal — is how you get stuck The map you use matches the reality — or not You can get away with imprecise map up to a certain point. You will get somewhere. But eventually you get stuck Your map is a lie — therefore it doesn’t take …
Understanding Understanding (Labels)
-Variety, diversity means that objects have different properties. E.g. a cat has fur, it purrs, and is cute. Whereas a tree has leaves, a trunk, branches, and grows big -Existence of variety doesn’t preclude existence of a degree of homogeneity. Two objects can have some different properties — and some similar properties -Thus between two …
Rigid vs Completely Ossified Minds
Most men are rigid. Most men eventually consolidate in their beliefs. The psyche wraps around those beliefs protectively. The entire machinery of schemas and biases makes it immensely difficult to penetrate. Don’t hope for an average person to change. People don’t change. Most men are rigid. There’s little chance of them changing. There’s little …
The Falsely Humble, the Deluded Arrogant, and the Problem of Growth
-There’s what you say -There’s whether it’s true or not -There’s whether other’s find it true or not -The definition of arrogance is being very wrong when you say you’re very right -Therefore if others think you’re very wrong, and you are very confident that you’re right (and reveal it) — you are dubbed arrogant …
Asceticism Doesn’t Get To The Cause
There’s the problem of DESIRE — which is a problem of a false god, of delusion There’s the problem of OVERINDULGENCE — which is a problem of being distracted, ineffective — and all that in vain — as the pleasure is empty. By CEASING DESIRE-pursuits and PLEASURE-PURSUITS and becoming an ASCETIC — you do …
Shame, Shameful, Sincerity
There’s the shameful. And there is shame. Shameful leads to shame. Unless someone is shameless — then it doesn’t. Likewise shame itself can arise without the shameful. And of course — shameful is not objective. Shameful is not objective but it obviously doesn’t mean it’s void. Society agrees on what it considers shameful. …
Unknown is a great word…
Unknown is a great word It means it’s not known It frees you from the delusion of thinking that you know Solve real world problems, Improve your real life every day, in real ways That is KNOWN, and KNOWABLE The rest is more or less unknown Enjoy it with fascination and an open …