Is psyche simple? It could be. It probably is not, for most of us. Our mind is like a cluttered room. There’s a lot of stuff in it. Some useful. Some useless. Some old and some new. Some at the front desk and some thrown somewhere under the rug. Most of that stuff is garbage. …
Tag: Understanding
Objective Life Decisions Not Subjective
Your personal life experiences are no different to any other world processes. To know what is going on you need a lot of meaningful data. Preferably derived from numerous replicable experiments. HOW-YOU-FEEL and WHAT-SEEMS are OK when you’re interested in the subjective and intangible. There is no place for that if you’re interested in …
Real World Outcomes
There’s the real world and there are ideas and theories. There’s engaging in actual actions in the real world — and there’s engaging in ideologies, in theoretical explorations and fantasies. If you are serious about the real-world outcomes — you want to engage in real-world actions, receive real-world feedback, and prepare real-world response. …
Questions Breed More Questions
Questions breed more questions. For every answer gained two more questions grow in it’s place If you want peace, in your life or in this moment, you will have to at some point let go of answers Embrace the unknown Embrace the ignorance And just be in peace
The fact that so few are accountable makes one wonder if one even knows the meaning of ACCOUNTABILITY Let me explain There are two ways of doing something. OPTIMAL and NOT OPTIMAL The difference between the optimal and not optimal is often ambiguous. Particularly in creative acts. It is also often NOT …
Meet People to Know People
Meet people to know people. Don’t overthink don’t over-analyse, Meet more people to more understand people. Meeting people is an experience like every other. One becomes experienced by meeting people. Experience engenders better judgement, better understanding. Interpersonal understanding is not expanded with thought, analysis, systems, ideas… Interpersonal understanding is expanded with experience. …
Simple Not Simplistic
Simplicity is not generalising Generalising is simplistic, reductionistic Simplicity doesn’t reduce. Doesn’t judge. Doesn’t diminish. Doesn’t label. When you hear — “BE SIMPLE” — it means: be open, be non-judgemental be perceptive see what is don’t see what isn’t, don’t presume what isn’t When you hear — “BE SIMPLE” — it …
What’s Clever
You think what someone said is clever and some book is clever and some theory is clever It’s not. It’s probably nonsense. It’s probably useless. You will probably become stupid by abiding by it, cease thinking. Do you know what is clever? Taking your own action. Making your own mistakes. And learning …
There Is Only Unintelligence
there is not good and bad there is not proper and improper there is not friendly and hostile there is not kind and unkind not too modest not too ambitious not too clever not too ignorant not too aggressive not too weak there is only intelligent or not each problem must be met anew …
every single one of us had seen things which UTTERLY SHATTER our notion of what-we-know
every single one of us had seen things which UTTERLY SHATTER our notion of what-we-know some of us emerge crippled some of us emerge LIBERATED most of us just cover our ears and eyes every single one of us had seen things which UTTERLY SHATTER our notion of what-we-know to some …