Accepting is but full comprehension of the situation. That involves comprehending what is possible within the situation, what is not possible, and what it not known to be possible. ”Resignation” is failure to comprehend the situation. It denotes failure to comprehend the possibilities within the situation, the actions which can be taken. It also …
Tag: Understanding
-there’s the thinking vs doing dichotomy -first one only does — breaths, walks, eats, lives… -then one hopefully learns to think; Not everyone does, mind you -then, some of us become infatuated, with this THINKING-GAME -thinking can then become an end in and of itself -one then hopefully returns to doing -this doing must …
The Opposite Of Wrong Is Not True
I’ve noticed an uncommon but insidious trend: -one observes that society is oft wrong (already as a teenager, when mind is ripe, though callow) -one sets about finding his own truths -again and again one finds that societal paradigms are unfavourable to him, as an individual -one begins to generalise that society is “always wrong!” …
The More You Idealise The More You Demonize
the more you idealise the more you demonize this is because idealisation and demonization are basically the same both are perversions, distortions of reality idealisation is not the opposite of demonization the opposite of idealisation is reality and the opposite of demonization is reality please see for yourself: -those who idealise …
Emotion Indicates Incomplete Comprehension
Emotional overreaction indicates incomplete comprehension The ultimate nature of ALL things is perfect neutrality When you’re very used to something — it doesn’t make you dramatically emotional; When you’re used to something — you’re neutral (Curiously, this neutral can be ‘neutral-boring’, or ‘neutral-apathetic’, or ‘neutral-loving’) Bottom line is, your state, and your …
For Every Person That Agrees With You Find Someone Or Something That Doesn’t
-there’s what you know you don’t agree with -there’s what you know you agree with -there’s what you don’t know whether you agree with or disagree with if you have any tolerance for what you know you disagree with – you are wasting your precious time Plenty men waste their time We’re too …
say “I DON’T KNOW” when you DON’T KNOW
Owning up your mistakes Admitting what you DON’T KNOW is ALL there is to modesty everything else is false modesty therefore evil and repulsive don’t call yourself modest; that’s already immodest and false it’s you immodestly striving to this ideal of modesty stop trying to look modest and just be modest — by …
Get A Habit Of Explaining Everything — Then Get Rid Of That Habit
Hey, It’s a good idea to try to understand the world Believe it or not, some don’t (try to understand the world) I advice you to get into habit of explaining everything, trying to explain everything Once it’s a habit — it’s effortless When you have a habit of explaining everything, trying to explain …
Serious Ones Despise Vagueness In Any Matter
Serious ones despise vagueness in any matter When you are serious — you don’t have time for IFs Why ponder if you could just test it When you are serious — you don’t have time for vague concepts and language Language is a tool which enables communication. Not some self-indulgent frippery, or silly …
Hey Science is the scientific method Science is not “science” and “scientific”, these words lost their meaning today Ignore “scientists” and “scientific prove” and “science says” and all the rest of it You can rely on mathematics On physics which put man on the moon On engineers and practitioners, using science as a tool …